Second thoughts on getting Phonak L90 - Reverberation

I would be tempted to try that course … but what if I’m exposed to sudden LOUD noise like a firetruck with siren blaring, or wind noise, or the gardener’s blowers - so many REALLY LOUD noises bombard me in daily life where I live that I’ve been thankful for Autosense turning the volume DOWN in those cases.

But as you observe, the dang algorithm does not always make optimal adjustments, as evidenced by it going into BOMBING OVERDRIVE last night when watching a movie. It’s not like the volume of the movie was even loud at that point.

I could well be proof of alien life here, cuz electronics don’t always work on my person. Heart rate monitors go all over the map, and no machine at the gym ever gave me a valid readout. My Garmin watch seems accurate, but then the weird Autosense performance is inexplicable.

It’s the very top line above the G numbers in Target.

Maximum Power Output.


So here’s my update from today’s visit with my audi - Phonak rep also on-hand to get my Roger V2 license xferred as I turned in the loaner kit.

Turns out we have the same prob: our MPO is right up there with the GAIN. If one raises the gain, we may no longer understand speech or make sense of sounds. I think that’s how my Lumity Life aids were initially set up. But when I had my audi replace that setup with the settings for my older Marvel aids life was BEAUTIFUL again. I guess I’ve trained my brain to just go with more spread between MPO and gain?

The Phonak rep seemed to think that setting is what’s causing the sensation of pressure and sound SHUTTING DOWN as well. My aids somehow are triggered to go into sound diminish OVERDRIVE. I guess I’ll live with this, but keep an ear on it, cuz it seems to be happening more frequently - which to me would indicate a malfunction with the aid.

These aids are barely a year old tho … and I don’t stream more than a couple hours most nights - not like I’m abusing them.

More monitoring is needed so I can pin down WHEN it happens and whether I’m streaming with the Roger V2 or just in default program and not streaming.

Thank you, that really helps

Regarding your reply, since going with music as my startup/default programme, I realise in crowded environments, I’m getting a sort of overload of noise. But, I’m also noticing that I’m concentrating my brain more to learn to shut out some, and concentrate on what I want to hear. It’s very tiring, but I still prefer it over Autosense. It’s going to take a while.

Interesting regarding your MPO and gains, will follow.


You sound like an excellent candidate for OTICON aids! They have a very open sound paradigm. :slightly_smiling_face:

Music is my 2nd program (after Speech in LOUD Noise), and it’s ON right now as I peck this out, listening to Chet Baker. Yeaaaaaaahhhhh…

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If you have space to raise gain then leave gain and raise MPO by a couple of dB at a time and it’ll really help.

This is the issue I’ve got in all of my hearing aids, 2 x Phonak and Oticon.

That is EXACTLY what my audi mentioned before I left yesterday. While I think I’m fine with my aids’ current setting, it was the Phonak rep who GAWKED at my settings, and she raised the issue with my audi - who offered to tinker with this at a later date.

I’m curious to try that out, so I think I’ll go back in a couple weeks, give her the update on the Roger V2, and try stepping up the MPO just a squeak at a time …

Thanks for the tip! :grinning: