"Revert" HAs for routine appt @ Costco after 10 months

  1. Want to check on best procedure for “reverting” HAs to settings last programmed by Costco, but perhaps that is not needed or issue??
    Last fitter I had seen at Costco had never had customer in her 20 years do DIY and was both surprised how much I had learned about Target and did not seem concerned about my DIY.
  2. New KS10s fitted by Costco around Nov. 2021; then by them firmware update and custom molds in Jan. 2022. I am using Target 7.1.11 and since I use Target quite infrequently its version is pretty out of date. I have only made minor changes to Costco settings particularly in Sound Recover; and button assignments and other user functions.
  3. My understanding, please correct any of my poor thinking:
    a) Goal will be to “write” to HAs the January 2022 Session (Costco program) from Target database to HAs.
    b) To do so: Launch Target; connect HAs; open Jan. 2022 Session and make no changes; then Ctrl+S to save and then save to both HAs and to database; take notes so that it is clear that this was reversion in preparation for Costco fitter visit.
  4. Is it mandatory? or recommended that I update to latest Target which I believe is 7.3.1? Is it necessary/advisable to do the Target update before “reverting” to Costco January 2022 session?
  5. I am hoping that they will redo audiogram and then REM fitting as my already severe loss has somewhat degraded during past year.

As always, greatly appreciate your expertise and advice.

I can’t speak to your reverting questions but did want to note that so far I’m finding Costco to be very flexible and accommodating. My fitter was happy to be working with an experienced hearing aid wearer who has some knowledge of how these devices work, asks questions and offers suggestions. Also, we’re going to change out my domes for custom molds and I asked about doing REM again at that time. He thought it would be a good idea and will do it. So I’d say ask them to do another audiogram and REM if they don’t bring it up.

Don’t worry about this, as no matter what you do the fitter will notice a time stamp difference anyway, just leave them how you have set them up, which no doubt is how you want them to sound.

As you don’t have any problems connecting and making adjustments in version 7.1.11 there’s no need to update, as you’ve already had a firmware update as well, of course if you know there’s a another firmware update for those KS10 that you “must have” you can use the built-in updater in target to install the latest target software.

No not at all, you can if you know there’s something you need like a firmware update, latest version of target is 8.0.2
I believe.

Well if they do you’ll lose your DIY fitting for a start, but you should let them redo everything including REM, and you can make adjustments at a later stage if you feel the need.

@tenkan thanks so very much, grateful to you.

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@cleimer101 Thanks for info. If you are moving to molds as they are planning on doing; your fitting needs to be updated as the acoustic environment will have changed enormously. You don;t just want the software to estimate how existing programming should change, but want actual measurements which is what it sounds like C will be doing. Hope it makes a godd difference for you, it did for me.

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Do you need a new hearing test?

If they re do REM, then your January settings will be changed anyway. It won’t be the same.


Thanks, with the additional anecdotal sense of hearing loss I want new testing and so expect you are right, like others that it really makes little difference if I “revert” and as Tenkan indicated the different time date stamp will make it clear that HAs had been touched after Costco, so there is no reason for me to attempt to hide it.

Thanks to all … I am set for my appointment tomorrow.

Yes, thank you. I’ve worn custom molds for 30 years so Costco’s open domes were new to me. Don’t think they"re handling sound as well. They’re ok fitwise but not as quick to put on as molds. Good luck with your appointment.

You wear open domes with your loss in your profile? :open_mouth:

That’s why they aren’t handling sound very well. Your loss is not appropriate for open domes.


Thought I’d responded to this but not seeing my post. I’ve been hoping customs are the solution to problems I don’t expect to have with a decent, modern hearing aid so I’ll take what you said as confirmation.