ReSound Omnias with M&RIE Receivers

well I’ve worn the MRIE’s for 2 days and I can say I definitely hear conversations better … I played golf yesterday and noticed an improvment in hearing conversations from all directions… I played pickleball this morning and then umpired a softball game later in the morning… with 6 P’ball courts going at our Rec. center it can get pretty noisy but I did notice an improvement in cross court talk and chatter from courts next to me… at softball I struggled a little because there are bleachers on both sides and behind the backstop and with about 30 people sitting and watching the game the ones dircetly behind me seemed very loud… when usually I can hear them but never really make out what they are saying… I think not being used to hearing that is something that will ease up over time when I get used to it… later after thinking about it I wished I had tried my restaurant program which I have set up for a much narrower band of hearing

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