Resound Omnia vs Phonak Lumity

New User here. I just got my Omnia 961-Rs today. The app is great! The only problem I am having is streaming phone and media audio to the Omnia. The sound has zero low frequency sound, very “tinny” and unusable. Is there a setting I’m missing? The audiologist said that was “normal” because of the high freq boost used to correct my hearing loss. That seems ridiculous to me. Am I wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Yes this is common for new users of HAs, it can take weeks to months to get used to the new sounds you probably haven’t heard for many years, also the low frequencies with "not enough"bass is another common issue, the app should give at least a bit of adjustment, but sometimes you’ll need to ask your fitter to make adjustments at your next appointment for the streaming.
Great HAs by the way.

Post your audiogram as this helps everyone offer more advice.


In the Smart 3D app, you can turn up the bass, turn down the treble and mid-tones, and then adjust the overall volume. Your audi can adjust the amount of increase or decrease of bass, treble, and mid-tones that can be applied via the Smart 3D Sound Enhancer graph, within limits. There is also a setting for adjusting streaming bass, too. I don’t know how setting the limits for the Smart 3D app relates to the streaming bass boost setting in the Smart Fit software. The Lumitys do provide a richer bass, but I found the Smart 3D app adjustments worked fine for me. YMMV. As you’ll find in other threads on the forum, a lot of audiophiles prefer over-the-ear headphones or the bass from their hi-fi set and subwoofer to listening via their hearing aids, although I think some Phonak enthusiasts have claimed that the bass from their HA’s is just as good as from over-the-ear headphones(?).

Also, if you have an open fit, as much as 30 to 40 dB of bass can leak out of your ears from your HA receivers. That’s one of the advantages of wearing a closed fit such as I do - much more bass is trapped inside your ears (including the sound of your own voice from bone conduction!). You’ll also find in other threads discussion of Phonak ActiveVent, which is expensive but tries to give the user the best of both worlds. It’s for folks with good low-frequency hearing. The ActiveVent will be open in normal conversation, avoiding occlusion, and allowing you to hear bass sounds from outside naturally. When streaming, the ActiveVent will close, trapping more bass in one’s ear canals.


Yes guys, thanks for the responses and interest. I was forewarned about getting used to them. I have tried all the adjustments available in the app. The “normal” operation of the HAs is fine, I can deal with the break-in period so to speak. But the issue with the streaming sound is quite different. It is not just accentuation of the high freqs, it is the TOTAL absence of bass/low midrange. I am a musician and have experience in audio engineering in studio and live, this is like a brick wall filter applied to the signal. No lows, period. Or, like listening to a stereo speaker with the woofer disconnected. Again, the speech part of the HAs is quite workable.

Again thanks so much for taking the time to help!

Jeff D

Yeah looking at your audiogram I think I can work out what’s possibility happening, your fitting would not be pushing anything in the lower frequencies,you don’t actually need anything much for speech in those lower frequencies, your only really getting from around 2000Hz upwards, so all you need is a bit of a boost in the streaming program, and as Jim says you could do with closed domes, can you confirm your using “open” domes?

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OK, now I see what’s happening.
Yes, I believe they’re open. There are four openings. I went back to the app, and on my “music program” and applied the most extreme EQ, added bass boost, and noise reduction (seems to tame the high end).
It was far from what my apple EarPods pros sound like, but tolerable I guess. I want to use a BT stethoscope, and it would probably sound acceptable on my music program, but then I have to switch programs while I busy doing other things with my patient (I’m a nurse anesthetist) when I don’t have the luxury of time.

I’m surprised the streaming function doesn’t compensate for the low frequencies. When I listen to speakers on the regular program it’s fine, a little bright but fine.

If can do this…but you’ll need to “boost” them, there’s a setting in the SmartFit software called “streaming bass boost” from off, mild, moderate, strong.
Also there’s microphone attenuation, so you can also lower the mic, this allows you to hear more of what’s being streamed but lowering the background/environmental sounds (although maybe in your line of business, this may not be a good thing!)

So if your using open domes this is not a good mix, as @jim_lewis has already explained, so a combination of things would get that bass back for you.


@JordanK Thank you for the update! You have really put your Lumity to the test in so many different situations, and the observations you’ve provided are very useful.

My lifestyle isn’t as full of activity as yours, but my experience with the Lumity definitely parallels yours. Yesterday I went hiking with a friend. When the path was too narrow for us to walk side by side, she went ahead of me. In the past, I couldn’t hear someone if they were in front of me and I was looking at their back. Yesterday I could actually hear her easily from behind, even though she doesn’t have a loud voice and I typically have trouble hearing female voices. It was so nice to be able to carry on a conversation and not have to ask my friend to repeat herself over and over!

I agree with you about the app. I only use it to check my battery level, and I’ve never run out of battery. I very rarely adjust the aids because the automatic program does that for me so seamlessly.

Thank you for your airport experience update. I rarely fly, but if I do I can be confident that I won’t have hearing aid issues!


You are most welcome! I will keep posting comments as I notice new things, etc.

For me, the key thing about these Lumity hearing aids is that I am now hearing conversations and environmental sounds that I was never able to hear in the past. This is the ONLY thing that is important to me…hearing better, understanding speech better, being more aware of my environment, etc. The ability to hear better in busy environments also removes the stress that I was experiencing when doing various activities. Going to restaurants, attending meetings, seeing a movie/show and even going on a hike are less stressful now that I know I will be able to hear and participate in conversation.

I’ve heard people complain about the rechargeable battery life, the app and questionable water proofing claims but these are all minor considerations. Hearing speech better is the only thing that is important. Lumity is a step up compared to other hearing aids. The only way I can describe it is that these hearing aids are way better at sensing the environment and then quickly (and smoothly) adapting the settings to optimize speech clarity. When setup properly, Lumity is very impressive.

Happy Friday.



My audi told me to use the Smart 3D app. Will it hurt anything if I used the SmartFit app or is that an audi program only.


Using Smart Fit would be a gray area. As HA’s are licensed medical instruments (different than OTC HA’s), they’re only supposed to be fit and adjusted by licensed HCPs (audiologists or hearing instrument specialists). It is possible to obtain the software and learn how to use it. But to access the HA firmware, you need a Noahlink Wireless device and a Windows computer, as Smart Fit runs off a Windows computer. The Noahlink Wireless plugs into a USB port on your computer and connects wirelessly to your HA’s. There is a DIY section of the forum (look under all the categories), and you can find a lot of useful information there. A Noahlink Wireless device can be bought on eBay (check reported sources in DIY section). Just convincing your audi to do the right thing for you might be a lot simpler.

It’s not hard to learn how to use Smart Fit. You can sign up to audit courses at Audiology Online for free. You only pay if you want CEU credit as HCP. However, when you increase the bass for streaming, your manipulation will be set and recorded in your HA’s themselves as well as in the database that Smart Fit uses to track the history of your fitting at your computer. So, your experiments will be obvious to your audi. You might want to check how the audi feels about such stuff. One reason I like my audi is that she has no problem with me experimenting with settings.

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Very powerful filter/search view obtainable at Audiology Online: Audiology CEUs | All Courses | AudiologyOnline

  • Can substitute phonak, starkey, oticon, signia, widex for resound in link structure to get similar filtered search view for other brands of HA’s

The other thing about using Smart Fit yourself is that you will disconnect yourself from whatever remote assistance is set up by your audi for your HA’s. So, if that’s important to you, take that into consideration.

If you’ve paid your audi for your HA’s as a full-service package, it’s pretty churlish of the audi not to increase the bass streaming for you to let you try it out. I would think you at least deserve a good explanation of why he/she doesn’t want to do it for you.

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As Jim has explained, SmartFit is what your audiologist’s use, it’s not an App, so I’d go along with the advice given, work with your audiologist to get this resolved, if for whatever reason it cannot be sorted, then you could look into DIY in the future.

Good luck.


@JordanK The past 30+ years have been a real struggle at times when it comes to my hearing. Like you, better hearing is the ONLY thing that matters to me. My life has become so much less stressful and pleasant with my Lumity hearing aids! I, too, will post any new discoveries I have in my Lumity adventure.

Have a great weekend!


Yes, thank you for the advice. I spoke with my audi and he will help me get it right through Smart Fit on Tuesday. From what you all have told me I was able to communicate the problem to him better. Thank you.


@JordanK, you are so very right. That is why I am ‘trying’ to get Lumity Life L90s HAs. (Life version as I boat alot in summer). I want to hear speech better. I presently have Paradise P90s, but Lumity will hopefully improve speech for me. I thought I was getting a pair in December, long story short, I returned them, as the audiologist did not even come close to fitting them properly. He then put a claim against my insurance benefit AFTER I had returned them. This screwed up my insurance hearing aid benefit. I am waiting for my insurance company to straighten this audiologists screw up. Insurance company has been greatm but they can’t do much since the claim is in the system. I hopefully will be able to get my aids within a month maybe Bureaucracy moves slow. My new HIS is ready and waiting for me to get this squared away. In the meantime, I am reading your positive posts and @jonifoz posts also. I’m anxious but it will be a bit of time and I’m thinking worth it. Thank you both


Thanks so much for this thread! I just brought home my Lumity 90-Rs today. It’s been a journey. I originally demoed the Oticon More and the Widex Moment, both at premium level. The Widex seemed good, but I’m young and the tech features weren’t what I wanted. The Oticon wasn’t quite right for me, either; the sound was flat, almost tunnel-like. Phonak wasn’t an option from the first audi so I saw a different one (long story, but the first audi didn’t seem to want to work with a cookie-biter.)

The second audi recommended Phonak Lumity or ReSound Omnia for my particular hearing profile. I have a moderate level of loss, but a tricky prescription due to hyperacusis and tiny ear canals. (I’m not a good candidate for REM for those reasons, but I might still pursue it elsewhere.) It took two hours to complete the fitting, but the new audi is very patient. Afterward, I got into my car and turned on the stereo; the sound through the Lumitys was so clear that I actually cried because music hasn’t sounded so beautiful in years. And speaking voices are so much clearer; speech-recognition has been a problem.

I appreciate all of the comments here! I felt so well-prepared for today’s visit, having read this thread. I know that fine-tuning is in my future, but I’m so happy to have had the wisdom of this group, especially that of @JordanK. Again, many thanks for sharing!


@Sequoia_Woman Wow! I don’t even know what to say about your incompetent audi! Mind blowing. I wish you only success and a much easier journey with your new audi. I’m confident your patience will pay off once you get everything squared away.

I had a hair appointment last week, so I thought I’d wear my Phonak Marvels instead of my Lumities. I put the Marvels on at home, and ended up taking them out after 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe the difference! I felt like I could hear hardly anything. I ended up wearing my Lumities to my appointment and told my stylist that I would be off the air this time. :slightly_smiling_face:


I had a hair appointment just yesterday, and didn’t wear my hearing aids there, but did set my phone on a stand on the counter in front of us with LiveTranscribe on (Android Phone). Worked wonderfully!


@gayle I have never heard of Live Transcribe, and I do have an Android phone. Thanks for the tip!

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@jonifoz: Because of my poor word recognition I use either LiveTranscribe or Otter a lot when with others. It’s been a life saver! Since I got a new phone that has LiveTranscribe I use Otter a lot less. It uses less phone battery I’ve noticed.

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