Resound Omnia vs Phonak Lumity

It doesn’t work every time, but if your devices sound the same it probably did. I tried to go audio P90 13T to M90 13T the other day and it didn’t keep it, but I’ve done others with success.


I’d like to share a couple of Lumity “revelations” from yesterday. I had just finished brushing my teeth yesterday and heard a quiet, rhythmic sound like a faucet drip. I checked both the bathroom sink and tub faucets–no drips. Confused by this, my brain began to tell me I was hearing things and I was ready to agree, except I could still hear the sound. I finally realized it was coming from the wall clock. It has a quiet “tick tick tick” that I haven’t known was there for 20 years! I told my perfect hearing husband about it and he verified that yes, the clock has always ticked.

Later in the day I was going to vacuum. For the past 30 some years I have ALWAYS had to turn my hearing aids off to vacuum because I couldn’t stand the amplified noise coming from them. I decided to experiment and left them on to see what would happen. Almost immediately I could hear the sound gradually being suppressed until it reached an acceptable level. It may seem like a small thing, but it is amazing to me that I can now run the vacuum cleaner without having to turn off my hearing aids.


Hi @jonifoz

What you described is exactly what is so unique about the new Lumity hearing aids. A few people on this forum have been saying the Lumity isn’t a major upgrade over Paradise because Lumity is using the same chip, etc. That simply isn’t true. Lumity has been upgraded to include some really breakthrough software that provides a level of hearing that I haven’t had in years. Your observations kinda parallel what I have been saying since I got Lumity.

As an example, I’m in Toronto (Canada) and we are in the midst a freezing rain storm. I’m working away in my home office right now and I can hear the freezing rain hitting the window. There is no way I would hear this with my previous Resound Quattro hearing aids. I can give you a dozen more examples like this. Keep posting your observations.




Bet that’s nice to hear.



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y’all need CI. it crushes every hearing aid in picking up the small things. Battery on CI is far better than phonak hearing aid… It’s amazes me how the table turned around…

it is crazy considering that CI have really high power consumption but they managed to get longer battery than your hearing aid, is user serviceable and can be replaced with a disposable button cell case…

I feel like sonova isn’t listening to the customers but Cochlear is doing what is in the best interest of themselves and customers, they can charge $$$$$$$$$$ and they do listen to the customers… that what makes me a happy customer…

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No it’s not “unique” to these, others including myself get the same results with our Signia AX and ReSound Ones or any other HAs one may using, nothing “unique” about hearing how one likes to hear.

Oh it’s true alright,but we always get these types of people on the forum who try hard to convince anyone/everyone that “only the HAs I use” could possibly sound so good and nothing else compares.

Yours and @jonifoz situation is exactly what I get with my trusty old ReSound Ones and AX, just awesome! (Sorry Oticonians)

Haha, keep that back slapping.

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It’s a bit hard to make a comparison between CI and a HA, maybe/possibly in the distance future we’ll have something similar to CI in miniature form factor that can be implanted completely, because when I read people’s success stories regarding CI it’s quite inspiring, but for reason it doesn’t work for everyone (not sure why,but some can go for a second op if not successful) and the cost, it’s just to much for a lot of people without insurance or a government subsidy.


Nucleus 8 sound processor is getting very competitive with BTE SP/UP profound losses size wise… only thing that preventing them from making progress is the battery socket because it needs to be durable and strong…Also the cell need to big enough to hold 12 hours of charge…


Is that really a good thing? :slight_smile: Used to live there, don’t miss that freezing rain, or having to drive by “the force” at night in that zero vis slush muck. :slight_smile: I do miss being able to get virtually anything from relatively nearby. Where I am now it’s an hour to a medium city and five to the largest one. Better not get too deep into this discussion or it might turn into which is a bigger PITA, raccoons or bears.


Ok that’s good to know, yeah that socket is something they need to work on, battery I’m positive that will be solved very soon, as this technology is being pushed at the very limits right now, because of the Ev revolution, the types of chemistry being touted is amazing (of course size is everything, getting this is probably the hardest part!)

I found Dr. Cliff’s new video “Best RIC Hearing Aids for 2023” useful. He does a good job of pointing out the significant feature differences of various brand premium HA’s. He gives the Omnia a plus for being available with disposable batteries. I think it’s in the discussion where he suggests with the Lumity, by getting it refurbished at the end of warranty, you’ll get brand new batteries in the replacements, but such was not my experience with the ReSound Quattros. Don’t remember Lumity or Quattro warranty but for a lot of Li-ion battery-powered devices, the manufacturer only promises to replace the device or its battery, if replaceable, with one having a battery of equivalent age, e.g., the Ford F-150 Lightning I have on order, for example.

I went to a meeting last night in a school cafeteria. Close up, the Lumitys did great! But I was a little disappointed in the sound volume of soft voices at a distance. Maybe Speech Enhancer had already kicked in and the volume of those voices would have been even worse otherwise. Unfortunately, since that was a once-a-year neighborhood meeting, I won’t get a chance to replicate the experience trialing the Omnias.


Outstanding presentation
My daughter and I both have Phonak hearing aids Lumity series. Would interested in where to find best features and information.

Well you’ve come to the right place, start a new topic and ask your questions, plenty of people on the forum to discuss/help with your questions.

My audi agrees with you. She suggested for now that I just adjust the treble setting in the myPhonak app. I didn’t think there’d be sufficient latitude to accommodate the missing high frequency but just turning the treble up a single notch is plenty, and all the way up with the vented slim tips I’m wearing is Feedback Galore!

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I just got my Phonak Lumity L90s this afternoon, do not much to tell … yet. I did notice hear my dear husband when he is doing dishes at the sink and I’m sitting on my laurels in living room. Yay! Also can gear him around on the entry way when I’m in kitchen, which was a area where I could not hear him. So I’m noticing some things. The Music streaming is fabulous. Tomorrow we will be meeting 4 friends in a noisy restaurant, so actually looking forward to going with my new Lumity HAs. :grinning::partying_face:. More to come

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All these little things are Big Things. I’m looking forward to discovering some of these little things’. So happy for you @jonifoz

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JordanK, I got my Lumity HAs today. Tomorrow I’m going to dinner at a noisy restaurant with 6 of us, so reading your review encourages me a lot. Thank you. I’ll pop back in to give status of my dinner, well noise while eating dinner. HaHa


Not sure if running a special user-created program causes extra battery drain, but I created a modification of the Automatic program that had increased treble by one notch. To avoid going back to Automatic, I kept the myPhonak app as my main screen and screen locked my iPhone. 32% of my battery usage for the last 24 hours has been the myPhonak app. When I just use the Automatic program and don’t use the myPhonak app much and don’t leave it as the “open” app when I lock my phone, its usage is only a few percent of overall battery usage. Bummer if user-defined programs consume extra battery. The usage was from 5 min on screen, 55 min of background activity in the past 24 hours.

So it goes back to automatic if app isn’t open and locked to main screen? I’m surprised the audi wasn’t willing to just bump up the highs a bit.

@Sequoia_Woman I would love to hear your observations! Enjoy the journey!

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