Resound LiNX Quattro RE61 - Amplifon locked?

It is the SmartFit that you already have. I don’t think it would prompt you for a code. They like to be secretive. Though, I could be wrong.

ETA: In the other thread it turns out the hearing aids were not locked after all. They were just left-as-connected to Bluetooth Streaming and therefore would not connect. Once Bluetooth was turned off and the hearing aids were off/on cycled then they were able to connect to SmaftFit the same as any not-locked hearing aids.

I cannot reiterate this more clearly: If the HAs are locked by a code, SmartFit will ask for it the first time and it will refuse to continue until you provide a correct code.

Just make sure that:

  1. HAs are properly rebooted by introducing them into the charger and taking them out after 5 seconds.
  2. There isn’t any other bluetooth or accessory connection (remote controller, TV link or whatever).

You won’t be knowing if your HAs are locked until you get SmartFit to connect to them. The only secretive thing about the PIN code is the code itself.

Yes you can be more clear. Were your hearing aids locked? What was the code?

ETA: Actually if you want to be helpful. Load a new version of SmartFit and show us an image capture of that prompt.

ETA: Also have you tried entering the code into the (Activate PIN Code When Programming). Perhaps it is there to lessen the burden on your Audi having to enter the code over-and-over for each of his customers.

Sorry for asking demanding questions. But thus far, you are the only person who can answer. So lighten up and help us.

I’ve made this video to show what i’m doing:

Well the first thing I’m noticing is I’m not seeing the Noahlink wireless green led flashing when searching for your HAs, can you confirm, also do you have the Noahlink wireless chosen from the drop-down menu, I can’t think of anything else.

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Around 40 seconds it shows Noahlink Wireless as the programming Device. Read a DIY School PDF file named (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide) and use Device Manager to check your Device and Driver.

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Gee I don’t see that, I’m on my phone screen, just when I need a projector!


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Yes, my HAs were locked, but I don’t feel like I should be sharing said code here. Even though, I don’t think it’s the same for every HAs from Amplifon.

The prompt for the code is quite obvious and I can confirm that this is not showing in the video that @user440 just recorded.

That doesn’t rule out the HAs being locked. But he’s just on the previous step: trying to connect to the HAs. He doesn’t need the PIN yet, provided their HAs are locked.

ETA: Also have you tried entering the code into the (Activate PIN Code When Programming). Perhaps it is there to lessen the burden on your Audi having to enter the code over-and-over for each of his customers.

This functionality allows the audi to instantly lock a previously unlocked hearing aid with a PIN code upon programming. This is for locking, and not for unlocking.

It seems to me like a Noahlink issue of some sort.

Thanks, can you share whether it was numeric/alpha-numeric and the length?

Numeric code, 5 ciphers.

I am creating a new DIY School document named (Locked Hearing Aids). Does this seem correct for the ReSound SmartFit section? Tip: you can click the image to enlarge.

Had to wait hours because forum prevent new users more than 8 messages at first day

The driver seems to be correctly installed and the version from the website and the one provided by SmartFit are the same.
The NoahLink Wireless blinks green lights every 3 seconds even in idle mode than in searching mode.
The images capture just the green light, but it blinks.
Everything seems fine.
Here’s a (big single) image that shows basically everything.

HMm; My Noahlink Wireless lights turns green when I plug it in. After one or two seconds it shuts off and the lights stay off until I begin to use the device.

Yea, when I put the NoahLink it flashes green lights and then they stay off.
Obviously when the device is unplugged the lights are off.
The green lights keep blinking if the Smart Fit software is running.

Oh okay, I am running out of ideas??

On this other → Locked Amplifon thread I believe those were newer hearing aids (ReSound One’s) newer than LiNX Quattro. So I think we are dealing with a different style of locking than the locking mechanism encountered in that other thread. GN ReSound has a long history of locking hearing aids as referenced in this clip from Costco Hearing Aid list. Sad part is; we never found a solution for the older ReSound locks. Tip: You can click the image to enlarge.

Thanks. Although I’m not sure about “Upon reconnecting a locked hearing aid you will be prompted…”

In my experience, I’ve only been prompted the very first time I connected the HAs. SmartFit remembers the PIN code for the subsequent programming sessions.

Also… Does anybody know how to reach out to the software team that developed SmartFit at GN?

Now that would be a treat! You will be lucky to talk to the gatekeeper. :wink:

So, taking a look around I’m pretty sure these rebranded devices have modified firmware and modified version of the fitting software.
First of all they’re heavily customized. The custom labels on the HA and also the codes inside the HA!
So it’s pretty obvious that who built them (Resound most probably), built them for amplifon!
Second, it would be stupid to “lock” them only software side (Smart Fit). And how would they even do this practically? They have to detect the HAs and then decide that this one is rebranded and cannot be shown to the user. So the software have to do some calculation to decide this or consult some database of some kind. If so they would have to include this database in the installation since the software should work even offline.
Most probably the existing firmware is custom to Amplifon and the software is custom to Amplifon. This would make sense from a commercial pov too.
Moreover i found this link showing a computer screen showing some similarities to Resound Smart Fit software called Amplifon Smart Fit 1.0. This could be fotoshopped btw.

The same image shows at this video ( at time 00:54.

These are the photos of the heavily rebranded HAs.
The R 3 XQ stands for LinX Quattro and it’s inside the hearing aid!
So yea, I guess this is the end of story.

Moreover there are tons of these himsa documents one can find on google or by carefully searching their site, that mention some Compliancy tests and the list of software those tests has been run against. One can see in this example a “Smart Fit” and a “amplifon Smart Fit” so yea, there exists a customized version somewhere behind closed doors.
One can run some searches with “Costco Smart Fit” and find out those custom software exists too.
This user mention one btw : Why is there no discussion about Miracle-Ear hearing aids? - #22 by jay_man2
This fact is mentioned in DIY School for Costco as well.
… and those documents clearly show that exists custom versions for amplifon, cotsco and this “CS Smart Fit” too

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