Resound Cala 8 RIE: First Impressions

I don’t do music streaming, but I watch news videos and do lots of Bluetooth phone calls.

thats really nice, so the cala may have less battery consumption while using bluetooth as well.

I purchased the Cala 8 RIE with the size 13 battery. The HAS gave them to me with the tulip domes and a size 1 length receiver wire into the ear canal. (HAS mentioned I may be between a 1 and 2 length.) I tried to wear them for two days and had to give up until I can get back to Costo. They are so uncomfortable to the point of pain in my ear canals on both sides. It is almost as if the metal of the rectangular speaker part that is partially covered by the dome is pressed against my canal because the receiver wire is too short. Or it is the tulip domes that are too large. I was disappointed that the HAS gave me the tulip domes because the stuffed feeling is what I hated so much about my in the canal hearing aids (CIC) of 15 years ago and why I stopped wearing them. The HAS recommended the tulip domes to help amplify the soft tones.

Has anyone experienced this type of problem with the receiver piece that goes in the ear?

Do I really need the tulip domes for my hearing loss?

On a side note, I love the streaming feature of the Cala 8. I watch a lot of educational videos on my iPad and it is fantastic to be able to stream the sound without being attached to a set of earbud headphones.

You might be able to wear the open fit, if feedback can be avoided. It will change the quality of the streaming. Until you can get back, try taking scissors and cut slits in the dome to reduce pressure.

You should be fine with the regular open domes, but tulips may give you slightly better sound because it is keeping in more of the lower frequencies. It is really up to you. Feedback should not be a problem as long as they run the feedback manager.

A quick stop into Costco, and replaced the size 1 receiver tube for a size 2. Definitely better as there is no more downward pressure on top of the ear and the receiver can go into the canal more. It is probably a half size to long but we will see at my next longer appointment if anything can be done about that.

HAS also gave me two different sizes of open domes in addition to the tulip domes. The tiniest is the most comfortable in the ear but because of the length of the receiver tube does tend to slide up higher into the canal. Going to get use to these for a few days and then go up to the next size to see if that helps. Quality of streaming does seem to be impacted with the smaller open domes as KenP mentioned. But great to be back to streaming without wires!

Thanks for the help KenP and Don.

With the clip will this pair with my TV’s Bluetooth?

Yes, should work fine. I paired my Phone Clip+ to the Dish Network Hopper built in bluetooth and it worked fine. I eventually ended up with the Resound TV transmitter and it does work very well and I recommend it, but it is pricey, especially if you already have a bluetooth solution.

Thanks - I have tried it several times with no luck.

What does the manual for the TV say about pairing? You may have to enter pairing codes on the TV.

It never gives me that option.

Could the problem be the type of profile? My TV does the following profiles.


Your user guide for the TV is the place to consult for pairing. It should detail what is needed. If you lost it, you can download it from the manufacturer’s site.

I tried my HA on a TV in my bedroom and it paired right away. I also tried to pair something else to the Sony (living room) and it would not pair. So something is up with the Sony TV. I have checked the manual and I am doing exactly what it says to do. I have also reached out to a audio/video forum concerning the bluetooth setup for the Sony.

Could another bluetooth device interfere with the pairing? I have a wireless bluetooth security system with the main control in the living room.

Up until recently, most Sony TVs did not support the Bluetooth A2DP profile. So those models won’t be able to stream audio to the Phone Clip+.

Is there a workaround for this?

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I found out more info after I did the above post. My HA’s pair with my bedroom TV which is a Samsung. My living room TV is a Sony and it does not support the A2DP bluetooth profile that is necessary for it to work. So I started researching bluetooth transmitter’s, but most of these connect into my TV headphone jack. The problem with this the headphone jack is turned off when the TV speakers are turned off. The TV’s speakers are turned off in order to use my A/V receiver. I am now checking into using the optical out connection at the back of the Sony TV. But I have to find out if it is “hot” when the TV’s speakers are turned off before I buy something that may not work.

I have a sound bar with optical. Its tuning is separate from the built-in speakers. I haven’t used the headphone jack and can verify that optical is completely independent. I imagine that would vary with manufacturer’s implementations.

I plugged in an optical cable and it lit up, so I am assuming it will work. I also have ordered a Bluetooth transmitter that has an optical connection.

I just got my Cala 8s and installed the Resound Smart app. I kept looking for the hearing pattern angle, and it does not seem to be present. I have background noise reduction and wind noise listed in the “sound enhancer” menu for the “Restaurant” option. The background noise reduction works, but the wind noise is grayed. However, no hearing pattern angle (speech focus). . .

anyone know why?

What is the HA setting that shuts off when something is loud? My HA’s are cutting on and off while talking normal. I am getting them adjusted tomorrow and I want to tell her what it is.

Also while tying this my left HA beeped one beep and the volume went way down in just that HA. This is the third time it has done that. Any idea what is causing this?