I’m interested in what happens when you connect your HAs for the first time to Phonak Target and there is no previously saved session history. Or, what happens when your HAs have a different program than what is stored from the last session.
If you follow the steps correctly you would of made up your 2 clients,one to save your original audiology settings and one for your DIY projects, once you’ve done this target will copy everything stored in the HAs including your audogram, follow the user guide it’s so easy to do, don’t “overthink” this.
In you case this won’t happen if you use the same client, but regardless if it ever did happen, target will offer to connect from HAs or from session database, you cannot go wrong, reading the user guide gives you a basic idea, and also target has a “demo” mode, so you can play around with the software settings and get a feel for how things work as well, again real easy to follow. So for your DIY project client you can simply copy from the HAs or start a “New Session” from blank, this way you’ll need to enter your audogram manually of even you could do In-situ audogram/ fitting.
Okay, that makes sense. I’m awaiting delivery of my Noahlink Wireless 2. Thanks for suggesting the demo mode. I hadn’t noticed it. Thanks so much!