Questions regards fitting a hearing aids ..

Most of the reasons you said you would not do CI are the reasons you should seriously consider it.
You mentioned your hearing is getting worse. You are still young, 38, with family responsibilities.
Hearing might become an issue sooner than you want.


I like Oticon if you can not get Phonak.
You will need some form of frequency lowering to help you with the high frequencies for consonants.
With frequency lowering you can get by with much less power. Like 85 db receivers with receiver in the ear aids. They are small and comfortable with the ability to go to bigger receivers.
You may get by with double domes with enough frequency lowering. Otherwise good quality molds will help you.

This is from someone who lived it.
Bilateral CI now.


@Raudrive Thank you sir , I appreciate ur concerns and advice , I have contacted the Oticon aud and he will let me trail the aids for 4 weeks starting from Monday , if I don’t get the benefits I hope out of them . I will give them back and start a new journey for CL implant .


I had a lot of problem with resound Q series. avoid at all cost!

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CI user with resound Linx Quattro (currently broken/out of warranty and using my oticon aid),
That’s a good plan. I have done the same thing but kept my Oticon Dynamo, still wearing it to this very day.

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