Program the Hearing Aids yourself

It’s not just gain for me. During my recent visit I asked for more low-end and less high-end but it was over done a bit and now I have to go back. My original program was done by the audi who just clicked on “auto program” after inputting my test results.

I think Dave’s points are on the money. Also, once the HA settings are perfect, maybe my excitement to do my own programming will diminish. On the other hand, I have to live with these for the rest of my life so it may be worth investing my time in learning the program esp since I enjoy doing this stuff and I can save some money in the meantime. Apparently, from seeing the pricing out there, the Audies time is worth about $1,500 for a pair.

I just spent $489 to have a plumber install a new flush valve and flapper in a toilet. The parts at the hardware store would cost about $50. Time spent by the guy about an hour and half.

Training necessary to do that kind of work is minimal.

Contrast that with a Audiologist with a 4 year college level degree as a minimum. And an office with all that entails.

I don’t blame the Audie’s it’s the system of retailing aids that burns me. Simple aids for most uncomplicated mild to moderate losses could be sold over-the-counter with self programming built in for a fraction of what a professional must charge to cover overhead and amortization of their education.

As result of the system, 80% of the American hard of hearing don’t wear aids. Stigma…yes…but mostly because of cost. $4000 to $8000 to a retired school teacher, etc. is just too much.

Audie’s with their expertise should be handling the severe/profound, the children, the complicated losses, the infirm, the diseased, and those with affluent bank accounts. Just my opinion, Ed

My plumber (pun completely intended) sure gets around! I had a disposal that had worn a hole in itself replaced just after the holidays last year. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do my own plumbing so it’s no surprise that I also want to be able to program these hearing aids.

On Ed’s point, there are many jobs out there that have changed or have been eliminated because of advances in technology. I used to get $250 for a very simple tax return - now people are using Turbo Tax. I agree though with your assessment of the mild to moderate cases. For my mild situation, the DOT 30’s I’m looking at are $3,000 - programming by mail or, $5400 - local Audi in NY. The difference of $2400 just seems too much for the amount of work involved.
Contrast that to an ENT doctor who gets $275 from the insurance company for a tonsillectomy (trust me, that’s what they get paid). Perhaps part of the problem is that most HAs are not covered by insurance. If they were, the insurance companies would keep the pricing in line. Hey, can we start a lobby group? :smiley:

Please do-- for the love of god. I don’t see any legitimate reason they aren’t covered in the first place. (I know it is a cost issue… but if they aren’t going to pay for medical equipment, then why the heck do I have medical insurance?)

I’m okay with that, but only if the same law change forces the insurance companies to behave in an ethical manner.

Some insurance does cover hearing aids (or at least a portion of them).

The last claim I did was Blue Cross Blue Shield. A major national company.

My secretary, who used to work in a doctor’s office and is an expert at filing insurance claims, filed the claim in December 2006. She had to re-file the paperwork eight times. Each time they would lose it, make up a lie, or insist it needed to go to another office. We finally got paid in July 2007.

If most insurance started covering aids, and I had to file claims for all my patients along these lines, I would literally have to close my business.

If you really want to get annoyed about insurance consider this. The ‘efficient’ American insurance system spends three times more per capita on paperwork, than that horrible ‘socialized medicine’ system that Canada uses. That’s right, three times more expensive than a government run system.

So I welcome the hard of hearing getting the help. But only if the insurance companies are brought into line with strict penalties for deliberately screwing with professionals.

Oh, and for the record, Blue Cross stiffed me for about $400, which I gave up on in the end.

These days, I just don’t take insurance. It’s just not worth it to me. Although I will help a patient file their own claim. But I would say at present less than 5% of them have any coverage at all.

My insurance covers aids every 5 years up to $6000. Six years ago, it was full coverage, now I have a 10% deductible.

When I got my first aids 6 years ago, the audiologist’s office filed the paperwork. It took almost 3 months and an escalation through my company’s HR department. Like ZCT, my audiologist no longer accepts insurance.

When I filed myself for the aids I got last year, it still took almost two months, two filings, several calls and an escalation through the insurance company to get it paid.

Wow, I am surprised they cover that at all. That’s really good actually-- not the trouble they put you through, but rather the coverage-- I have had a few different insurers and none of them cover any hearing related stuff (not even hearing exams done by an audiologist)-- thus why I wish so badly I could figure out how to program my aids myself… I can not afford both insurance and the doctor’s appointments; which is totally messed up.

(Oh, to be clear-- the insurer I had when I was identified as need HAs when I was little, gave a little bit of money for HAs… but only if you were over 50. While I am all for them giving money to adults who need aids, don’t you think they should give some priority to children who need the aids to learn/develop speech?)

I’m lucky and grateful to work for a company with, all things considered, pretty good health benefits.:slight_smile:

I program my own hearing aids and LOVE them. Got them from, including the programmer, software, cords, everything.

I had tried AH and found the software too much for me. I like the HearSource aids and the software makes sense to me. I can’t say these are better than AH, cause I really didn’t give AH much of a try, I just couldn’t get the software figured out.

Easy software. 12 band equalizer, 4 ch compression, adjustable ambient noise reduction, automatic feedback cancellation, etc. All the toys for less than two grand.

I travel alot and have the programming software on my laptop. the programmer is smaller than a pack of playing cards.

I win. :smiley:

Help! David Gibson its nice to see someone else with hearsource hearing aids. I too have bought the Freestyle hearing aids. I’m not very good with computers so i was having some issues with the hearing aids. Since you’ve had some good experience you obviously know their software well enough. Mabe you can help me? The hearing aids now sound like things are really sharp. When somebody says “S” sounds it really is loud. I did the auto setup with the software based on my hearing loss data. I pretty much stuck with what the computer said I needed. Do you have any advise to help me. Thanks


My thought is to go to the equalizer and bring down the high frequencies, maybe in the 3 k band, or 3.5 k band or so. I have found a little dab will do ya on the adjustments.

Hey isn’t this cool, talking about adjusting your own aids? By the way, how do you like yours?

Thank you! Bringing down those frequencies helped quiet a bit. I’m still a little edgy yet though. I wonder If I they are too strong for me? I just bought the hearing aids about two weeks ago. I’m really loving the fact I can adjust them myself on the road while I travel. I’m in meetings everyday and my old hearing aids were not doing very good. I had the type that were small and went down in my ear canal. They worked great but I was always needing them to be serviced. The last time I had them worked on by my hearing instrument specialist back home he recommended open fitt hearing aids for me. He tried a set on me and they were wonderful. I was hearing better than I had heard in a long time. The only problem was the price $4500.00 for two. So thats when I looked for something online and found How long have you had your hearing aids?


Turn down your overall gain. (Over on the left side). I have had mine for a few months and I too am on the road a bit. I have had no real issues with them once I got the feel for the adjustments. I have them dialed in quite good now. Really just couldn’t be happier.

Good luck :smiley:

P.S. Have you done your coaching appointment yet? They spent about an hour with me on the phone teaching me. Was well worth the time. Real sharp folks. Top notch.

perhaps what david is not really saying is that
on the other hand, you do not get REM, as it can not be done online…
Rem is used to verify what the output of the HI at the eardrum level…

That is, if the fitting software prescribes gain of abc, you need to verified using rem. This is a hughe deal. Imagine this, you go to the optic store with a prescrition, the optician needs to use a lensmeter to find out that
what the Dr prescribed is what you are really getting…

In addition, a good ear impression- is really needed to get a good custom aid… I would nt like someone with no training, taking an impresion in my ear…

Who does the impressions when buying from Can’t help but wonder which company makes their open fit aids.

I don’t know who makes them. My research is that almost all hearing aid chips in the USA today are made by a company called AMIS. Similar to most computers manufacturers having the chip inside supplied to them by Intel. And similar to a computer, the meat of the performance of the hearing aid is the software that is loaded onto the chip. As far as manufacturing a hearing aid, it doesn’t look to hard to me. A small mic and speaker, a microprocessor chip and maybe a few other simple transducers?

I purchased open fit hearing aids, so no earmold was needed. But I suppose that if you wanted a custom made hearing aid you would need to go to a local audi or ENT office and send it to them.

The great thing about AH is that you can discuss your needs with them, they can do the programming, and you can download and program the aids later that day. That beats all heck out of having to schedule an appointment for 3 weeks from now, driving to the audie, having the same discussion, getting the programming done, leaving the office, then deciding you liked it better the other way or need a tweak. With AH, it’s another phone call (or you can revert to the last settings anytime you choose), etc. etc. that same day. With the audie, it could be another three week process.

I have NEVER had that problem. I am fortunate enough to have an audi who is a complete SAINT! If I send her an email saying that the programming isn’t working she will always get me in within 1-2 days MAX. If it is something that is really big or annoying she will sneak me in quickly after closing, or on her lunch or something. If there is any sort of problem, I never have to wait. I have been blessed with an AMAZING audiologist, and I know it!

A while ago someone in the forum said (that when he/she bought the HI they send a kit so you can ask a family member to take the impression )

Personally, to say the least it is scary- If you are say saving 500 or more per instrument- and you have to have it - get it done by an audi or a his and pay his fees…

Very interesting thread. On the right track. My wife tells me I need an HA but when I look at the prices, I go into sticker shock! :confused: These things cost more than my new 14GHz quad computer.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but, technically, HAs seem to be sound equalizers with frequency selective AGC (Automatic Gain Controls). Bottom line, you want to amplify just those frequencies we can’t hear well, without causing ear-blasting damage in loud environments.

Now, what self-respecting engineer would want to have to ask an audi to adjust his equalizer for him? We want to fiddle the controls ourselves. :smiley:

Moreover, IMHO, anyone who can operate a computer could probably adjust his own HA - and that is a big percentage of the population. seems to be headed in the right direction (better / faster / cheaper, like our computers). Still more expensive than it should be but a good start. :cool:

My question: My hearing loss is less than most on this forum and I could probably get by for years with a unit that boosts frequencies below 500 Hz. and above 2kHz. My midrange is fairly flat. Can someone nominate an inexpensive unit that can do this?