Possible to export hearing settings from Target 7.1?

Hey guys, let’s say an audiologist fitted me with Phonak hearing aids but I didn’t select them at the time. Later, I got the Phonak hearing aids from a different country. Is it possible to export settings from the audiologist’s system (if I pay up) and then import it to my Target 7.1 and then use those settings to config my hearing aids?

If it is possible to go back to your audi, you can load the old setting to your aids. And then save from your aids it in your Target.
This would certainly work, but you probably want to have them sent by mail or so?

This is wonderful. Can you please share a quick screenshot or screen recording of how to export hearing aid settings? It would be very helpful.

I couldn’t find an export in the File menu.
I’m using Target 7.1. What version are you using?

I don’t know what to make of that…, I’m also using Target 7.1. The selections under the File menu are:

Import client…
Export client…
Media player
FM Successware
Close Phonak Target

I can’t get a screenshot of the opened menu because it closes when I launch the screenshot utility…

ETA: The File menu contains the same items regardless of which tab you’re in.

I should have followed your instructions to the letter. (I’m getting older :slight_smile: )
I opend the session before I went to the File menu.
Thanks anyway!

For the sake of completeness, you can also export fittings once you’ve opened an individual session with the FILE/Transfer fitting/Export fitting… menu item.

I left this out of my original recipe because it involves more steps and I have not verified that the imported fitting from such an exported fitting retains all settings. I assume it does, but I have not verified it. I have OTOH verified that exported/imported Client sessions retain all settings.