I am definitely not trying to sell the Resound Nexia hearing aids. I can only speak of someone who has worn hearing aids for 10+ years and profoundly bad hearing and finally now have a hearing aid that made a major improvement in my hearing. I realize everyone is not in the same situation. Dealing with cost and insurance can be a deciding factor.
Some movies actually have what they call open captions so they are embedded in the film. You have to check different theaters and it will tell you. That’s how I watched Elvis in the movie theater.
One thing I dont think was noted, is Sphere mode really works best with a closed ear powerdome or custom. Open vents you get a tiny boost with Spheric Mode.
@jeffpa Interesting that you say “tiny boost” since everyone else seems to imply they make a huge difference in noisy places, and no one else has mentioned that factor. I would have assumed their claims included open vents.
think of it this way. Open vent lets the noise in, so that noise is not processed by anything. Closed, HA processes everything.
I found a tiny bit of clarity in a noisy environment, but not jaw dropping. But I run open vents as my hearing loss isnt bad, and I listen to a lot of music, so I want natural unprocessed sound
I just got the Phonak Sphere I90 i October and I love them. I wear glasses and the size does not bother me. It took 3 adjustments to get the settings right. My audiologists adjusted the settings for calm settings making it much easier to understand speech in quiet settings. When watching tv, I use that setting from the phonak phone app, instead of the streaming setting which automaticalky kicks in. So speech is clearer and louder and I rarely need to rely on closed captions unless accents are involved.
In addition, my audiologist added the Spheric speech in noise to my phone app so I can a activate it myself. But I have to remember to deactivate it when no longer needed or the battery depletes. As soomone who has tried 3 blue tooth HA over the pass 5 years, and returned them, these are the best and worth the money. I am no longer asking my husband “what did they say?” Good luck.
I trialed the Phonak Sphere Infinio I90-R to upgrade from the Paradise P90-R’s. In small number groups, conversation was much improved. Two disadvantages though:
- Since I have molds, I found the charging case too small and had to fiddle around to fit the aids in.
- At a table with say eight people it was fine, but if there is an adjacent table with say eight people as well, the aids picked up their voices too.
So I returned them and have stuck with the Paradise. If a larger charging case becomes available, I’ll give the Sphere Infinios another go.
This isn’t ideal re the molds they need to fix that. I wonder have you considered a smaller mold from Phonak? forgive me I forget the name, but the type where only the end piece slips into your ear as opposed to filling the ear up to your pinna. I feel that smaller molds would probably fit the case better but have never tried them myself I must admit.
Thanks for your post.
I have Paradise P90R’s. It’s been a long fight. They’re 3 years old now, and were replaced at end of warranty. They’re somewhat better now. So your comment gives me hope for my next set of hearing aids. Frankly the last two pairs have been a disaster and extremely stressful to use.
Good comment. Thanks. I have ParaP90’s too.
I’ve recently changed the receivers to get rid of the horrible waxguards.
I use closed domes and they work.
It frustrates me that good product suffers so badly because chargers, receivers, waxguards and domes/molds compromise performance so much. These are supposed to be “medical” equipment.