Phonak target software for i90

Hi I’m new to diy hearing software just had a pair of phonak i90 sphere hearing aids fitted as I’m looking for the software so I can do my own programming any links to the software would be appreciated thanks

@tenkan … Tenkan can help you

Hi thanks for your message???

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and if course don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device.

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Ok thanks for that I’ll look into getting a Noah link device and I guess I’ll have to look for the target software.


“getting a Noah link device”

FYI: the name of correct programmin device is “Noahlink Wireless” , and you don’t want and can not use the old and outdated “Noahlink”