Phonak Target 8.02 software- downloaded, how to install?

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

I’ve recently purchased Phonak Audeos and am still getting audio feedback. Rather than having to keep going back to audiologist, I would like to try the Phonak Target software myself for running the feedback adjust part of the program. May I get a link to the most cujrrent software download please?

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, I don’t see your audogram so don’t know if your using domes or a custom molds, but the key is you need a tight fit to get the feedback under control, it’s not the best way to just make adjustments to try and eliminate feedback, because in most cases you just end up reducing the required gain.
You’ll also need the correct programming device, if yours are Marvel platform onwards the Noahlink wireless programming device.

Hi tenkan,

I have Noahlink but a fairly old version of the Target SW which won’t update for some reason. Is it possible to PM me a link to the latest version please? I have used the previous versions successfully so am not a novice

Thanks in advance

John Dawson

John Dawson

I’m not technical at all, but thought I’d give this a try. Do you think I’ll be able to understand enough to do this whole programming thing?
Can you please direct me to getting the software and to the User Guides also? I now realize I need the Noahlink so I’ll look into getting that next. I have K10s / domes.
Also I have old Siemens aids which I haven’t worn for many years. Is there a way to do programming on them also?
Thank you this forum has been more helpful than I can ever say. Thank you.

Hi there, yes sure you could, it’s not that hard at all, just be sure to read the user guides and you can use target software in simulation mode to see what you can do and how it works before actually doing adjustments.
Yes the older Siemens brand can be adjusted with the correct software/hardware.

Thank you. I haven’t worn the old Siemens for a few years. I’m thinking maybe it would be a good idea to try programming them so I don’t mess up the K10s. How do I find the software & hardware I’d need to use to work on them as sort of practice! All I have are the Siemens HAs, no apt or anything at all. I don’t even think they have bluetooth in them but I do know they have the coil in them because I had used them that way years ago.

Don’t worry about this, if you follow the instructions I sent you’ll make a backup of the KS10’s programming, so you’ll always be able to go back to those original settings, now as for those Siemens we’ll need the exact model, but most likely you’ll need the HiPro and cables and older version of Connexx software, the HiPro can be expensive and a bit of a hassle to set up, might not be worth it in the long run.

Hello! Can I get a link for the Target software? I couldn’t figure out how to send you a PM.

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for the later models from Phonak, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

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hey guys, how to find phonak target software to download? is there any link?

hello could you please dm me the link? Thanks in advance.

Hi @tenkan , sorry to ping you! I’ve joined this forum as I am looking for a copy of Phonak Target 8.0.2. I have a pair of old Nathos Auto HAs that I would like to try and reprogram. I think I also will need to enter a code according to another topic on this forum to access the list of NHS HAs but I will come to that once I have Phonak Target installed. I am wondering if you could DM me a copy of the software? Many thanks

Edit: now have the software, thanks Tenkan!

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, I’m sure you’ll find it easy enough to do, do read the user guides as this is very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hello! Can I get a link for the Target software? I need to install on my new laptop.

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, don’t forget the hardware requirements, most likely a Noahlink wireless programming device, hopefully your new PC is not ARM based as the Noahlink won’t work in this situation, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

@tenkan Thanks very much. Software installed and working fine. And Lumity HAs, Roger on, and Noahlink Wireless firmware all successfully updated. So a success.

Hey fantastic news, glad you got everything sorted out.

Hello, I would also need the target software. Thanks a lot in advance

Welcome to the forum, great your willing to give DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough but do read the user guides and of course you’ll need the correct programming device, from Marvel platform onwards the Noahlink wireless programming device.