Phonak Target 7.X download link

Sure, I take it you already have your programming device.

I would like to ask if someone could help me with getting the download link for the Phonak Target software. I already have the programming hardware and a capable computer. Thanks for the help.

Sure, check out the target user guide as well.

Can someone please PM me the download link for Phonak Target? I have a Noah Link! Thanks in advance

Sure, you can check out the target user guide as well.

Would someone please PM me a link for latest Target software. I have 4.3 but it won’t update. Also have iCube. Thanks

How can I get the link to Phonak target program. Thanks in advance.

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY.

Could someone please be kind enough to provide me with a link
to the latest version of Target software please?
I have the Noahlink on order.

Sure, good you have the Noahlink on its way.

Check out the target user guide as well.

Hello, I’m also a new hear aid user with Marvel/90. Would I be able to be sent a link for the Phonak Target 7 SW as well? Thanks.

Don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY.

a) Than you very mush for the link abut the Phonak target.
b) Yes, i know that i must use the Noahlink wireless programming unit for DIY

I am also looking for Phonak Target 7.X software.

Could someone send me the download link?

I am using a Phonak Naida Paradise and Noahlink Wireless.

Don’t forget it’s a Noahlink wireless, and not a NOAHLink Wireless, check out the user guide for target software as well.

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Please send me the link for Target download, I’m new to Phonak, I want to program my Marvel, I’m switching from Starkey which I programme myself but didn’t know it would be this difficult to get Target software
Thanks in advance


Hi All,
I’m shopping for hearing aids, but don’t want anything I cannot program myself. Could someone send me a link to Target 7.x assuming that and Noalink Wireless programmer is what I need for a Marvel or Paradise Phonak HA?

Could I also get a link for Target? I just got a pair of Audéo P90s, but there is a slight mismatch. I had to travel, and now I am down with covid. The app doesn’t keep the balance settings, and remote support doesn’t work.


If you are shopping Phonak used rechargeable hearing aids then be careful. You may be buying a pair of bricks because the batteries are not replaceable. Read a DIY School PDF file named
(05 Buying Rechargeable Hearing Aids)

Yes, the Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device works for most Phonak Marvel or Paradise models. Read a DIY School PDF file named (Fitting Instructions Phonak Target). Here’s an excerpt;

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Could someone send me a link to Target 7.x for Noahlink Wireless programmer. I need for a Paradise Phonak P90R HA? My audi is very “weak”, she failed to update my HA.