Phonak Paradise - Made for iPhone?

Funny enough, I tried to do the opposite, turning the volume down, and it was marginally improved but not enough (for me, the issue wasn’t so much that I could not hear the person, but rather the issue of separation of everything that I could hear). Louder was actually worse. I had Phonaks for 2 months, both a demo and an actual trial after purchase, and had several adjustments done, but just didn’t get the success I hoped to get. A shame, since features-wise, I think Phonak blows everyone else out of the water. My audiologist also has the most experience fitting Phonaks, so I was really hoping we could get them to work out the best.

Ahh, ok. I see what you mean. This is not my issue usually - although admittedly I struggle in a babble as well. Usually when there is one direct talker facing me I can hear them, but in your case you are hearing other voices. If it’s the case that Oticon or Signia or working for you but not Phonak, then maybe it’s down to their processing of noise in those situations - brainhearing etc, or the new dual processor from Signia.

It is curious because I have seen some anecdotal reports where the Oticons have not worked at all in this type of situation as well for some people.