Phonak M90R - sudden battery crash

My Phonak M90R aids have always remained charged about 18 hours. Now, three different times, the right has lost power at about 12 hours or less, with the right following suit about 20 minutes later. Funny train notification! I can’t determine cause BUT my son is always here when this happens😆. Could the presence of his cell phone somehow cause this? I can find no other variable.

Some people are definitely energy drains. It usually doesn’t effect hearing aid batteries.

Cute. He’s not an energy drain. It has to be his phone?

Rechargeable batteries lose capacity as they get older. That may not be the problem. It could be trying to pair with his cell phone. ?

Another good reason not to use rechargeable batteries in cell phones. Just another avenue for Murphy’s law. It is better to have a supply of zinc batteries that can just be replaced and not have to be charged.

Just my 2 cents.

I had some issues with occasional rapid battery drain with my Marvels and later Paradise aids. The P90s eventually stopped charging altogether, so I swapped the aids and charger for new ones and didn’t notice the problem after that. Never totally diagnosed what was causing the extra battery drain. Bluetooth can certainly cause extra battery consumption, though I don’t know why someone else’s phone would affect that.

He’ll be here Wed evening so we’ll see what happens. BTW, I chose rechargeable aids for better moisture control per audi.

My P90Rs have not changed regarding power drain. I have had them for four months.
I wear them about 10 hours per day and they usually have about 60% left…

@mhbangelo: :astonished:It’s Wednesday, and I gotta KNOW! Is it your son draining the batteries? Is it?

Gee, did i not reply? Made him turn off his blue tooth. It was trying to pair.

@mhbangelo: Thank you! Perhaps now I’ll be able to get a night’s sleep!

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Well, son says not his fault. I had to stop pairing requests, or whatever. Still his fault.:smile:

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:joy:: Thanks for the laugh! I’m no techie, but in my days in the studio, several producers told me that I “hummed” and had a strong personal electrical field, so your situation vis-a-vis your son intrigued me. My mind is now at rest!

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