Phonak Infinio Sphere I90 Review (Another One!)

Sorry but that’s incorrect again,
they were exactly the same no arguments!

This is misinformation/disinformation at its finest,but it’s ok as your entitled to your opinion.

Oh but it does matter, we strive to share correct and factual information on hearingtracker, yeah sure let’s keep it on topic then, great your happy with the sphere’s, the fact that people are actually finding it “works out of the box” is really good, because the marketing department has been working overtime on this device.

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I’d be really interested to know if you’ve had the chance to compare the 9050 to the Infinio Sphere…

The Sphere receivers appear to be the same length but slightly fatter. Whether they will fit in an existing ear mold is probably a matter of trial and error.


They are not. Evidence?

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The physical hardware appears to be exactly the same. When comparing the physical spec pages the only difference is the brand name. The firmware is probably a different story based on the fact that they have very different fitting software. If they are the same, they have gone to a lot of trouble and expense to hide that fact.
Edit: This is way off the subject of this thread. There are many threads addressing this subject in the forum.


Bernafon and Sonic have that same parent company, but that doesn’t make them Oticons.

The shell is an insignificant detail. It’s what’s inside thr shell that matters.

It’s no secret that the KS 19 was a Phonak, but that didn’t last, did it? Nor is it a secret that Rexton is a rebranded Signia. But not all companies do business that way.

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Yeah I couldn’t see them fitting acrylic but the silicone would be no problem.

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I have not. I’ve been considering trying them out at my local Costco and likely will. I have a business trip for the next couple of weeks though so I’m sure other people will have some reviews by that point. I’m super curious to see how they perform against the 9050s though

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I’ve noticed that the gains are there below 250Khz in the streaming programmes. Would it be worth adding them in something like the Music programme?

Okay great. You’re being aggressive and argumentative over something that doesn’t matter in the context of this post. No one is spreading misinformation but if you’re so caught up in arguing on a Sphere post if the 9050 is 110% the same as the Intent, there are plenty of other posts you can do that on. Otherwise, maybe take a step back and ask yourself why you’re acting the way you are and getting so bent out of shape on an off topic comment. It’s pretty ridiculous and as much as you want to strive to share correct information (which I am trying to do), I believe this forum also strives to have its members act like adults and treat each other with respect.

I’m happy to further discuss my experience with the Spheres but I’m not going to engage with bullying or someone just having a axe to grind.


Ryan, I thought that you gave a fabulous review of the Sphere - one of the best reviews of a hearing aid I’ve ever read on this forum. Thank you for that. And I appreciate it personally because I’ve been considering the Infinio and I fo7nd your review extremely helpful.

I don’t want to create bad blood and I was not trying to be argumentative. The topic of whether the 9050 is an Oticon has been discussed extensively here. While some are suspecting that it is, no one has been able to provide evidence to this end. Ultimately this is not a matter of opinion. Either it is or it isn’t, so it has to be established as a matter of fact one way or the other.

Lacking the evidence to support the claim that it is the.Intent, I think that those considering it are best off assuming that it is not and take it on its own merits when they trial it rather then expecting that they are getting a bargain when that claim really can’t be supported at this point.

My only interest in this subject is to see that people considering the 9959 aren’t misled. Having said that, I’ve made my point and I won’t comment further.

I truly do appreciate your posts and respect your opinions greatly. We just disagree on this one.

Appreciated and there is no bad blood. I think I misinterpreted your comments as being combative and was caught off guard about it. I was not trying to make definitive statements about the 9050s but was making a generalized comparison about how a Phonak HA typically sounds compared with something like an Oticion, where the background noises and directionality are much less restricted. I thought the context of my statement made that clear but going back and reading, I can see how it could have easily been taken as pushing the idea that the Intent and 9050 are 1:1.

Anyways, appreciate the follow up and apologies for snapping at you. I’ll owe ya a beer if we ever cross paths :slight_smile:

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Whooaarrr–huh huh huhhh!
I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick ; )

Unfortunately you may need to reread what you’ve posted.

Yes I’ve been a part of those other threads, I noticed you haven’t tho.

Ha ha, seriously… you can’t see the forest through all those trees someone just doesn’t like to be corrected obviously.

But unfortunately you’ve been incorrect on the whole subject, so take a step backwards and see it’s ok to be wrong and have an opinion you can’t back up.

That’s just a ridiculous statement to make, please don’t get so upset over this, I’m looking forward to more reviews from you on the sphere’s


They are not nearly the same, they do have same speaker unit and charger and housing. The signal processing is totally different, starting from Intent based on Opn sound paradigm , where as Sonic , Bernafon a Phillips a more traditional in terms of the use of directionality .

I don’t think we are disagreeing. All I said was if you look at the published specification sheet for the Intent, the 9050 and the Benafon, they are exactly the same. The only thing different is the name at the top of the page. Obviously, firmware is another story and an unknown.

Thanks! I appreciate that honest assessment! HOLY GRAIL is still my HOLY GRAIL! :slight_smile:

Hi Peter. Others lucky enough to self-program are better placed to answer really. My super audiologist was exploratory: she went well below 250 Hz adjusting EQ while I talked, sang, played a keyboard. Difference was huge. Street sounds came to life, male voices no longer ‘counter tenor’ or ‘tinny’, live and hi-fi loudspeaker music quite acceptable.
That was through the mics of course. I think Bluetooth was full range from the start, though it does have inherent fidelity shortcomings.
For simplicity of use, I have only one program and manual volume control.


@ellisonvoice, do you know info from that:


If they didn’t they wouldn’t be able to compete and would quickly go out of business.

Demant certified the same platform/hardware for all the possible rebrands. I’ve even posted it here somewhere not that long ago.

The hardware is the same; it’s getting quite annoying to have to discuss it again and again.
The software/firmware is a different matter.

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I’ll ask my audiologist to do the same.

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