We are open to ordering online but haven’t yet found a local provider who is willing to provide unbundled services to fit and adjust the HA. My family member has made an appointment with an audiologist at a government-run hospital; we hope that they may be willing to provide such services.
She is elderly, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to coordinate with the online provider to program the hearing aids. I live in the US, and there are limits to what I can do long-distance
This process is proving more complicated than I expected.
If you can get her audiogram, the online provider can use it as a baseline to program the HAs before shipping them. That’s what we do at Injoy Hearing. Since she’s out of country, she’d still need to find a provider willing to service her and them, but at least she’d have working hearing aids.
The Singapore government is providing FOC HA’s for senior citizen if she qualified for it. Take the audiogram first and wait for their advice what to do next. The audiogram is very important. Take you time, do not rush.
If I am not mistaken, Signia HA’s belong to a Singapore company. Check it out.
Thank you for the info, @danka! I will look into that.
It’s difficult not to rush haha. My family member says the Phonak Spheres work well for her, better than other brands she’s tried; she’s so enthusiastic about them. But of course you’re right, I need to take time to look carefully into this.
Just remember that GST of 9 percent must be paid to Singapore Customs, on almost all imported goods, before they will be released for delivery. DHL knows how all this works.
Thanks very much for the link, @danka! JordanK’s review confirms my mother’s reports that the Phonak Sphere works very well even in noisy environments and has good battery life. I was concerned that she thinks it is good just because it is expensive, and am relieved to read of JordanK’s positive experience.
I’m off to read the rest of the thread now. Looks like it might contain more useful info. Thanks again!