Phonak Cros

The H2O CROS is no bigger then your hearing aid side. Well worth it for extra battery life, I believe.

I do not wear the CROS but my audiologist said I would be better off with the hearing aids that use size 13 batteries as I would get better battery life. My audiologist said the size different was minimal and was right.

My Phonak Naida Q70s communicate with each other and the Com Pilot. I stream from my computer and/or iPhone through the Com Pilot via bluetooth just about constantly during the day as well. I get about a week using size 13 batteries.

I can’t give a great time on battery life because I don’t always use my audeo Q70 with my CROS. I have a size 312 battery and I get about a week out of it. But I only ever put my CROS in my ear when I have an important meeting at work or I’m going out with a group during the week. I can tell though those weeks that I use it more often it drains the battery quicker and I will get around 4 days instead. I also don’t steam anything with a compilot

Is the heavy battery drain only on the CROS side? Or both sides (CROS side, and Hearing Aid side)?

Assuming it is both sides,
When using the H2O CROS should the H20 CROS be paired with a Hearing Aid that uses a size 13 battery to get equal battery life?

Seeing your view of it as a problem, you might consider rechargeable batteries. Many include a dryer function.

I don’t view the CROS battery drain issue as a problem. My view is just incomplete. I need to know if you have a one side battery hog or a two side/balanced battery hog. Assuming a two side/balanced battery hog what happens when you use the H20 CROS? Does your CROS battery now last twice as long as your hearing aid battery? Does one need to carry size-13 spares with twice as many size-312 spares? Inquiring minds want to know.

The CROS transmit side of the device burns through batteries more than twice as fast as the ‘normal’ hearing aid receiving the signal on the other side. The actual rate may vary a little based on the the amount of signalling vs passive time.