Phonak compilot no sound

My compilot was working great until a few days ago when I took it off. When I went back to use it there was no sound at all. I tried re pairing and resetting to no avail. Has anyone had this problem? Could it be the neckloop? Any help greatly appreciated! Using the phone without it is almost impossible for me! I have phonak bolero q70s.

It is likely that the wire inside the the neck loop broke. That happens to me from time to time because of wear and tear, for me approximately once a year. Get a new one form your audiologist + a spare. Or buy one online.

Thanks for your response. It was the neckloop. Phew!

I have the same problem with my Compilot II. It’s about six months old and worked yesterday but is dead today. I charged it up but neither the Bluetooth light or the power light turn on so I don’t think it is the neck loop. Any other suggestions?

That happened to me when my Copilot 2 was 3 month old. Utterly dead after a night of charging. I took it back to my Audi who sent it back to Phonak. I got a replacement. My previous Compilot worked w/o a problem for more than 3 years. Still works. Maybe the Compilt 2 is less durable?

I have had this happen and it was the neck loop