Phonak Audéo Sphere

I would have said May. But you have connections and more experience. :wink:


I mean, May is certainly after February. :laughing:

I honestly have no idea. Usually there’s a spring launch of SOMETHING but they released so much this time it’s hard to imagine getting something new so quickly. But maybe a BTE launch.

I was really expecting lumity virto, and they release infinio. It was a shock. I had to read it a few times to make sure I wasn’t reading it wrong. But it was a full year to see Naida come out (aug 2023) after Audeo (aug 2022) so , I dunno.


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Having needed a UP receiver, I was struck by reading this very high figure in the specifications: is it a real figure? Would my severe/profound loss level benefit?

The frequency range of the receiver is not the issue, it’s the output and gain. The Naida SP has an output of 135dB+ which in comparison to the RIC UP is an an extra 5dB+ which to me at least, makes a big difference. The Naida UP has even higher gain and output. The Naida also has 2 receivers.

However, by all means, it might be worth trialling, particularly as soundrecover will probably be used for those high frequencies.


Glad I’ve stuck around to the Marvels RIC and didn’t buy into Lumity. Looking forward to test the Sphere as it’s been more than 4 years with the Marvels now. I just happen to know the best place to test whether they’re that big of improvement in noisy environments


Sphere me green, I guess it is better late than never:


Look Once to Hear

Target Speech Hearing
with Noisy Examples

In crowded settings, the human
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27, 2024



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Shyam Gollakota (@ShyamGollakota) May
26, 2024


Am I crazy to consider selling my 9-month old Lumity 90’s and buying the new Audeo Spheres 90? If I do, anyone know if my warranty would be transferrable? Any suggestions for best way/place to sell them?

Give you my opinion by this time next week (hopefully :slight_smile: )


Yeah I’d wait to see the reviews first, and no the warranty isn’t transferred, you get a new warranty with the new HAs.

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I thought she meant is the warranty on the L90s transferable to a buyer. I believe the warranty goes with the aids. (could be mistaken)

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I take it you already ordered them? :clap: :clap:

That’s correct as I assume a buyer is more willing to buy mine that still have more than two years left on the warranty.


Had an exam today but didn’t think to request a print of the results while I was there. I had a bunch of things to discuss. She said she’ll schedule me for an appt in November to oreder new HAs. (I asked, can’t you just order them and I come in to get them? No.) And my audiologist is heavy with child, and warned me I wouldn’t be seeing her in November. :wink:

Her advice was to watch reviews of real people between now and then. Take advantage of the time. She also said I was the only patient of that medical center with activevents. So the backup audiologist probably won’t know anything about it.

We’ll wait to send my old aids in until the new aid are in. She said they haven’t had any trouble sending aid out of warranty in for refurb/repair. So as long as I can wait it would be better than going with out. And no loaners at this particular time, so waiting will be best.

Hearing declined in both ears. I expected one, the other declined a lot more, so they are about even. Crazy. She refreshed programming and REM seemed a lot more involved than last time. She said the newer version has more to it. No changes were necessary, so I’m good to go. I can hear things much better again. Foot steps, etc. Weird how you lose it and don’t notice.


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Oh yeah I thought you meant transfer to another set, but in a lot of cases the warranty can be used for the new buyer( I’ve done this many times…but they don’t actually have to do this unfortunately (I’ve been refused)

You can sell them here on hearingtracker or Ebay, they sell pretty fast as a good deal.


Yeah, I ordered a pair. Unfortunately, they won’t be here until the end of next week. They sound great and there is a 60 return period, so I don’t think there is a whole lot of risk. Probably more risk of disappointment than losing money :thinking:


If you agree, it’s better to open a new thread with your review (and hopefully that of others too) and not continue in this one which has already become quite long.


I also a VA client. I looked at the numbers you cited. It’s amazing that the VA gets such a discounted price, but then that is an average cost of all Phonak RICs and not specific to the Phonak Sphere as I read the numbers.

They don’t have sphere yet. They won’t have it until November. Those would be lumity and all at the 90 level. Some with coil, some without, and I suppose some life. I think they all come with roger receivers by default. Mine did. They are all premium devices.


Won’t happen for a week or so. Hopefully some body else will start a review thread before that.