Phonak Audéo Sphere

It depends on which case: https:// you get, which in part is determined by which model aids you get. Most of them have some space, depending on dome/mold size. My current paradise audeo aids go into a charger case combi, which has a little compartment to hold a thing to dry the aids. I’ve never needed it.


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Same here. I change the pod with silica gel every two weeks. Have a set of six pods that are groupwise regenerated in an oven (1.5 h at 140°C) and stored individually in small airtight containers.


Know anyone who has bought from them or is this a scam? It is a grand cheaper than anywhere else I’ve got a quote from.

They are wholesalers. There is no REM. You will have to get custom moulds fitted via a local audiologist if you need them. They probably provide remote assistance via Phonak Target but if you have issues that require examination you will need a local audiologist.


I wear the devices all day, and at night I put them in the special container with the pills. If I have to put them in the charger I can’t put them in the container with the pills.

Or maybe they don’t have humidity problems?

This, they standard fit and just the devices. If you home programme its a good option. Outside of that you will probably do better getting an Audi to give you exactly the things you need and tune them as much as you need.

Devices (even if these are as good as they say they are) are one thing. The Audi is the magic dust unless you know what you are doing…


btw - specsavers will probably do the new Phonak for £2800.

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Thank you.

None of the audiologists I’ve seen so far have offered REM (but I’ve only been for an initial test and recommendation). I’ve got a first follow up meeting with Boots this Friday so I will see what they do.

But as WH are at least £1,000 cheaper, it leaves me a lot of budget for follow up with a local audiologist (or a pair of Sony E10 for running/emergencies).

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Yeah. You probably can do it via a local audiologist in combination. Custom receivers are probably around £150 then there are their service charges. Specsavers did do REM when I went there last, but I wasn’t wholly convinced by the process. I had to reprogram afterwards.

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I bought my Lumity from a similar vendor (called AUZEN) and their audiologists are good for remote assistance and tuning.

I had to do REM and custom moulds locally but, even if I count that, I still must have saved at least 2000 euros compared to buying HAs from local audiologists…

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I bought from them a couple of times, no problems, expect 1 week for delivery.
For the fitting, if you speak English and you are a UK based, then I think they will do remote tweaking.

The question is, how much will you pay for the REM and tweaking, will saving £1000 be enough or going with the like of Specsavers/Boots hearing could be a better option?

For my part, I think I will go with boots hearing like @kevels55 , if I could.


That’s a real decent price. I noticed, when this was announced that Audeo L90s had dropped £200 to just over £1000 each.

I paid about £1000 each for Audeo P90 last year.

Not for me yet, but not out of reach financially, just the power options.


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That is correct.

They may be Wholesalers, but not in the traditional sense. They won’t just send them to you. They insist on a recent Audiogram (inc Bone Conduction and UCL). They then send them with domes of their recommendation, with free back up remote sessions if requested. They honour the 5 year warranty (not tested).

I know this, and my Audiologist suggested this approach as he couldn’t buy them direct for the price. He charged me labour fees for fitting and supplied the custom slimtips.

If I was to buy Sphere, with the same arrangement I could get properly fitted for about £3200. I could drop that to about £2500 with self programming, and already having the sliptips.

Pretty decent price considering the groundbreaking tech (if it really is groundbreaking).

A little tip here: If I’d bought an accessory from them first, I’d have got a “hearing aid discount coupon”. This could have saved me hundreds.



No I don’t have those issues, but you can get the correct dryers for those of you that have humidity issues, putting those “pills” in the case is pointless they don’t “dry” your HAs out, plus the rechargeable dry themselves by the process of recharging them, they get quite warm…


I am considering getting the Audeo Sphere or will at least do a trial to see if they do better for speech-in-noise. My concern with the AOV is that they will provide a large vent diameter based on my audiogram. Do you know what diameter vent is used in your molds?
Also you mentioned that you experienced muffled sounds. I did have the same problem with the Oticon DoubleVent domes but found that it was due to partial plugging of the dome speaker output hole and when cleaned with wire tip it would go away. Also had lots of problems with domes appearing to turn sideways which also cause muffled sounds. I recently switched to the Widex/Signia round domes (single and double vent) - they have a much larger exit hole for the speaker and have been working considerably better but still not good enough to provide adequate speech understanding in noisy environments. It seems to me that sound is distorted when I put the DNN noise reduction at its maximum setting of 12 dB.

I wear molds with occluded vents for the ReSound Omnia and don’t have any problem with muffled sounds or diminished performance - I hear every little shuffling, rubbing, creaking sound in existence - which I can’t hear when not wearing my HAs. Maybe it’s something about your fit and the allowance for venting? If I got the Spheres, I’d plan on going with the same to avoid the complications and expense of maintaining ActiveVent. I seem to remember a post from several years ago that ActiveVent receivers need to be replaced more frequently than standard Phonak receivers, and I think someone in this thread mentioned that they’re more susceptible to wax.

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When the More was 1st introduced, several members felt Oticon was short changing users of the More ! by not setting difficult to 12dB by default.
I was talking to an Oticon tech support rep about my dissatisfaction with MyMusic, and asked about the 12dB setting.
The answer was it should only be used for patients with extreme difficulty in noise, because the higher you set it, the more it distorts all around sound.
DNN & AI may be great, but I keep everything either set to the lowest or turned off in order to eliminate all the artefacts digital processing introduces.
I always wonder why TV mfgs include motion smooting and sharpness controls for a digital signal! Pure distortion is the result.

When will Naida version be released? Since the rechargeable Audeo lasts around 20 hours on a single charge and the AI mode only reportedly lasts for 4 hours, Naida version with disposable 675 batteries should last 40 hours in AI mode.

Not before next February?

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If I were taking a before or after bet, I’d take after until at least a year, but purely a guess. :>)
Your guess is certainly a lot more informed than mine.