Phonak ActiveVent Reviews?

How do ActiveVent receivers compare to the regular ones. I’m using open dome P90-R HA and am a candidate for ActiveVent receivers, but my ear canals are small, and they seem to be really hard to find on eBay (my go-to place for receivers). What has your experience been with ActiveVent receivers?

My guess with your pretty good low frequency hearing the loud noise of the vent closing will drive you nuts. If you want a bit more of a closed fit, you could just try their vented dome instead of an open dome.


I also have a very small canal. and the digital earmole prints helped solve the RIC problem for me

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@mhclavey ,
Thanks for the detailed story. It was helpful. It appears that these guys are really for folk who need custom earmolds (not me). You are the second person that had a similar story I have read so far. (Not here.) Thanks for the help!

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@MDB ,
I like your suggestion. It is easy to try some of the domes (vented) to see if a more closed fit is better. I am inclined to do that, and definitely not going for ActiveVents now.

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I’ve been using the activent (with titan dome) for the last 3 months and I’m quite happy with the outcome. Once “open” you don’t really feel to have a closed Dome, and the extra bass power while listening to music or phone calls is just great. On the dowside, I turned off the “closed fit” in the noise/loud noise program - this becasue you will experience the vent closing and opening several times and I find it quite annoying.
I guess one has also to get used to that “pop” sound when the vent closes and opens, but if manually controlled (thus not in automatic programs for autosense) it turns to be a great tool, in my opinion.

The dome is surely not as confortable as the open Dome, but it gives extra dBs before whistling. It may also be a nuissance if you try to talk by phone without using the BT or without removing the Aid. The closed canal blocks external sounds more than the open dome (of course). The problem with the phone calls is also that the people to whom you will spoke to may report a confused sound - that is propably due to the fact that it uses the mic on the Aids to capture your speech and that will also capture too much environmental noise (in constrast, it works fine if you are in “calm environment” during the call).

Hope this helps.
Cheers, Max

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Thanks Max! Your experience is interesting. I like using Autosense, and just letting it adjust as it thinks best. After considering active-vent, and advice here, I am happy with the old-fashioned receivers. :slight_smile:
Again, thanks!