People cant hear me

Hi, I fear I am about to ask a silly question but I dont have the answer. I have had my Phonal L70`s for a few days and I get a high whistle from one h/aid which gradually disappears as I reduce the volume. Also when talking to others my own voice is clear and at an acceptible level to me, yet those to whom I am speaking can hardly hear me. To be audible I have to speak considerably louder which is far too loud to me. I cannot be the only person who has experienced these problems and would very much appreciate advice please. TIA

This will be feedback, you need to make sure your dome or mold is fitted into your ear canal snugly, you want a tight fit to stop the sounds leaking out, can you post your audogram as this is helpful for everyone to offer advice.

Yeah so getting used to wearing HAs takes a bit of time, your voice sounds louder then it is for sure, a common theme for some people is they speak to loudly and need to learn to tone it down when speaking, again post your audogram and let everyone know what your using molds or domes.

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Interesting timing. Just last weekend, my son in law had trouble hearing me in a restaurant. He said it was sort of funny because I used to speak so loudly before my Cochlear Implant provided better hearing. Because it sounds louder to you now, you will tend to speak a bit softly for a while til you get used to it.

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Hi tenkan, thank you so much for the info. I dont have my audogram which I shall get from my audiologist. Once to hand I shall post it. Thanks again. jack

Hi joanhawsey, many thanks for that. Its just that I have never experienced this with other h/aids.I shall persevere. thanks jack