"Parts List" for Hardware to Self-Program Oticon Alta2 Pro Ti?

Jeez! Talking about making a topic confusing for newcomers.

Right, now that I’m awake and reading through this thread again, I can only assume you’re talking about the original full-sized machine that was called the Aurical Hi-Pro of which there is a couple for sale on eBay but not USB. I didn’t think any of these old machines were USB anyhow.

But most newcomers, the casual programmer, won’t be wanting an Aurical Hi-Pro adorning their desk space anyway, USB, Serial or otherwise. Most all of us are looking at the good old lil Hi-Pro box, preferably USB of course but there’s nothing wrong with the Serial boxes. Don’t forget that there might be some people in their 60s and older who may still have an older machine with a serial port. There are also many laptops around still with a good old serial port.

Absolutely agree. Nor should there be endless posts confusing the issue like in this thread and this one. Yes, “this one” being the “example of compatibility problems that may arise”. I’d never seen that thread before, until now and when I read through it, I couldn’t help thinking what an absolute confusing mess it is. Sorry to be blunt but I’m only being honest here. That thread is enough to confuse and put off a newbie seeking help in my opinion!

Anyway. Yes, I do get it that the main point you were trying to make was to advise people searching eBay to search for “ USB mini pro hearing aid programmer ” and not HiPro programmer. Fair point but I searched for HiPro programmer when I bought mine only a couple or so months ago and didn’t have any problems. It listed several boxes, most in “London”, (mine DID come from London as it happened) a few in USA and the rest in Hong Kong. There was even one in Denmark when I searched.

By the way, when actually searching for Mini Pro also locates these…

Another thing to confuse newbies. These are the real Mini Hi-Pro (being the search term you recommend I mean) which draw their power from the USB port and do not use a separate power supply like the Serial counterparts. Also perfectly usable of course. :slightly_smiling_face: