Oticon Xceed 1 + CROS Rebooting Randomly: Update - Not Solved

Hi everyone. I think I have finally solved the issue of my Oticon Xceed 1 + CROS randomly rebooting. It would never reboot when I am on trips - for example I was in Westlake Village, CA for a business trip a number of months ago. The entire week, it never rebooted. That led me to the conclusion that it wasn’t the hearing aid itself, but it could have been something in my home causing it. Perhaps my router?

So, I was finally able to take the time this morning to turn off 2.4 GHz on my router completely. This was around 2:30/3:00 a.m. I am only using the 5 GHz connection with my router. Beforehand, I would experience a reboot:

  1. Every time I passed by the router into the kitchen and was in line of sight of that signal;
  2. Every time I went into the garage by the router and was in line of sight of that signal (despite several walls being between it and me);
  3. Every time I went close to the router. Sometimes it wouldn’t reboot. But it would reboot more often than not. And this just added to the mystery and made me think maybe it was something else.


  1. No reboots in this scenario for the first time. Haven’t had a single reboot and I have been in the kitchen around 5 times today.
  2. No reboots in this scenario for the first time.
  3. And finally, no reboots in this scenario for the first time.

I am going to continue observations, but so far, since turning off the 2.4 GHz signal on my router, my Oticon Xceed 1 has operated flawlessly.


Update: Today has been the first full day since I purchased my Oticon Xceed 1 hearing aid + CROS in January that I have not had a single reboot. At least, since the full week I didn’t have a reboot in Westlake Village.


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Update: Another 24 hours and I have not had a single random reboot. I think it’s safe to say that the issue is fixed after disabling 2.4 GHz on my wi-fi router. I realize others might not be so lucky that this was the issue.

Just bumping up here in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.



I wonder if your Aid and CROS communicate on the 2.4 GHz channel?


@Zebras - I have seen a post or two on these very forums mentioning that the Oticon Xceeds communicate on the 2.4 GHz channel, which is what gave me the idea to try it.

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@Zebras - Sadly, it looks like I spoke too soon. I just had a random reboot this morning.



My Xceed have never rebooted so I do think it’s your CROS.


Could it be the CROS that keeps send signals to the other HA’s and rebooting starts. Try to switch off the CROS and see whether there is any rebooting. If no, then the CROS needs servicing.

@dankailo - I turned off my CROS unit by opening and closing the battery door. No rebooting. Keep in mind that this behavior is not new. It has been present the entire time I’ve owned the hearing aid + CROS. These are not refurbished aids. They are supposed to be brand new.

Then it is better to send it the Audi/oticon to check.


I was reading up on the Oticon CROS last night as quite intrigued by Oticon stuff now.

The CROS does work on the 2.4GHz channel.

I realise that doesn’t help your situation but I hope you can get it sorted soon.

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I have the same problem with my Oticon Engage aids. I’m sure it’s not random but I’ve not managed to identify any direct cause or pattern of when it occurs. Any ideas?

That makes sense, @Zebras. After I turned off the 2.4 GHz band on my router, that last reboot Thursday has been the only one since.

My Oticon equipment hasn’t rebooted since. It was rebooting 5 times a day, minimum, every time I walked by my router in some way.

So it’s still a massive improvement.

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@Zebras - Also, IMO, it is an incredibly negligent design flaw, and incredibly negligent of Oticon in general, for them to do this in the world we live in. With a 2.4 GHz wireless router in nearly every home, and in countless stores and businesses dependent on wireless internet in the U.S., they should have chosen another channel of communication strictly reserved for hearing aids.

And that band is…. What?


@WhiteHat - Obviously, whatever band Phonak uses. Never had a problem with them. Not a single reboot on my prior aid + CROS setups from them for 5 plus years.

Then they had to stop production on my main setup - the CROS UP compatibility with the NAIDAs for some fool, stupid reason.

Try again?

“Your CROS system operates in the 2.4 GHz - 2.48 GHz frequency range.”

From Phonak CROS User guide.

That band is used by hundreds of different applications. It isn’t special for Wi-Fi .


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@whitehat - Why so hostile? I’m the one reporting the facts of what happened to me here. I turned off the 2.4 GHz signal in my wi-fi router…and the elimination of that signal has dramatically reduced the occurrence of the random rebooting.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it was this 2.4 GHz signal that was obviously interfering with the operation of my hearing aid and causing it to randomly reboot 3-5 times a day.

Well, perhaps I was a bit short. But your response to do the same thing as phonak was special.

You are probably right in your root cause analysis, but assuming they could have chosen something else easily and blaming them for not doing so is not right. Maybe their implementation is broken. I experience gaps in streaming when near a microwave oven, which is also a powerful emitter in the same band. But is doesn’t cause any of my devices to dump out. The number of different kinds of devices that use that band at the same time without severe interference is crazy. You don’t need a license or special permission to use it for new things, and that applies internationally, which becomes difficult when trying to allocate bandwidth for new applications.

If you know better about RF bandwidth allocation, then I am willing to read how you’d do it.


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@WhiteHat - I think my question more so is: why does Oticon experience interference and why does this cause them to reboot, but doing the same thing on the Phonak brand doesn’t cause anything like this to happen? I definitely phrased it in the wrong way for sure. But this form of the question is a necessary one.