Oticon more - BLE Auidio LC3 support

you were right! :slight_smile:

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For a device to support Auracast, it must support Bluetooth 5.2 or later (as many wireless headphones from the past few years do) and the Public Broadcast Profile (PBP) spec within the new LE Audio standard (not as widely supported from a hardware perspective).
Be aware that just because a product supports Bluetooth 5.2 doesn’t mean it supports Auracast.

(What is Auracast? And when is the revolutionary Bluetooth audio-sharing tech coming? | What Hi-Fi?)

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Not delivering a promised product is different from not delivering a promised feature on an existing product. Mainly because a bunch of punters have handed over money with the promised feature possibly influencing their decision. I don’t fancy anyone’s chances of getting a refund from Demant but the (slight) possibility is there.

Edit: Ok, I can see the possibility that the expectation of the Connectclip coming to market would have influenced people to get an Oticon aid.

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As someone that has worn Oticon way before Bluetooth built into the aids, I wear Oticon because of the sound and functionality without Bluetooth and not because of Bluetooth. To me Bluetooth is an extra that i live without 90%of the day. Sure it is great to have but it isn’t why i wear Oticon aids. By the way i have been wearing Oticon aids since 2010, i i don’t see myself wearing any other aids. Sure that could happen if i end up with a CI in the future.

At the time the promised ConnectClip was the only way to get Android connectivity. This was considerably before ASHA. It does amaze me that the hearing aid companies can get away with not keeping their word. I’m guessing the market isn’t big enough for lawyers to be willing to take on class action lawsuits.

I have been using connect clips since 2018, and depend on it mostly for the remote control capabilities. I do use it at 5imes for streaming audiobooks. But since i have reconditioned my Bose headphones and added a Bluetooth adapter to my b9se headphones i prefer using the headphones over my aids. Before getting my bose headphones reconditioned I did use the connect clip with my tablet for video calls but no prefer the headphones.

RIC version?
I tried with phonak and signia, both started to whistle when I put my headphones over the ear

Yes i wear Oticon aids with RITE aids,but i have custom ear molds,and i have no issues ever with feedback. If you are using domes then i can see you having feedback issues.

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yeah, I was using domes but now I am waiting for.my custom molds from signia to trial again.
so I hope it won’t whistle again because at work I need to be online with headphones…or Bluetooth activated.

are your receivers embedded inside your custom molds?

Yes I have a severe hearing loss and my 105 db receivers are embedded in the ear molds. And i do have very small vents.

i see, I just saw a presentation about the embedded from Oticon.
nice job