Oticon More 1 MyMusic program

Just thought I would give you feedback on my new Oticon More 1 in general & using the brand new “My Music” program…

First of all I have to say, I love the new More 1’s. Having enjoyed wearing my Oticon Intiga for the past 9 years, I felt the time has come to test the waters in the latest tech. I tried the prior version “Open” hearing aid and although it was an improvement over my Intiga’s I couldn’t justify the cost to upgrade. With the Open 1’s it’s a whole new story. I love the rechargeable feature, Bluetooth streaming ext. and the sound quality is clearer and more detailed than ever.

I’m a music lover and enjoy listing to music with my “high-end” stereo. I’ve been passionate about music and stereo’s since childhood. I never got over that :slight_smile: With hearing aid “music” programs I’ve experienced in the past, I felt the “music” program actually sounded worse than just using the standard music profile. Go figure.

However, with the More 1 and the newly released “My Music” profile, I have experienced a noticeable improvement in sound quality while listing to music through my stereo! This sums up my experience, two day’s in…

Much wider soundstage. Meaning the instruments are placed wider in the sound field in front of you. For example you can place instruments more easily to the right, left or in the center.

The music sounds cleaner, and less congested or blurry. Instruments and vocals have greater clarity using the My Music profile vs the standard profile on my More 1’s.

The high frequency’s seem to have a slight boost yet have a smoother character vs the standard profile.

The vocals seem to open up more, meaning they jump further forward - closer to you - in the sound field instead of being held back with the music.

I’m grateful and blessed to have this experience and hope you find this useful in your hearing aid journey.


I’m an intermediate level musician and curious how the More’s will do for me. I’ll probably get them next year.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your Oticon music program.
I’m an avid music listener and do so on my HiFi every evening for an hour or so. Earlier this year I switched from WIdex Dream 220 to Phonak P90. The Phonak music program is also truly excellent.

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Thank you for your sharing review.
I’m a user of Oticon OPN S and was wondering whether to upgrade to More or to the New Starkey Livio Edge AI.
I’m considered an audiophile love listening to music.

I have had the MyMusic program for about a month and I absolutely love it. I can now enjoy music again, now I am not a person that has had any music training

There have been a lot of mixed opinions on the MyMusic program on this board, and I was one of the 1st to voice my dissatisfaction.

Unlike @blownaway I found the mid-range compressed and very much lacking in presence. Vocals were unintelligible.

I really hated Oticon for foisting this Boombox excuse for a Music program on us!

I met with a new Audi in November, and shared my thoughts with him.
He looked at the fitting curves in my MY Music program, and instantly saw the problem was exactly as I had explained.
All the frequencies were compressed into almost a single waveform from 500 Hz to 3Khz.

After 10 minutes of adjustments, the entire sound stage expanded, and it was a whole new beginning.

If anyone is experiencing unsatisfactory results with MyMusic, be sure to have your HCP check the Fine Tuning screen in Genie 2, and make the corrections.

This Oticon Tech Paper explains how MyMusic is designed:
Great read.


Can you explain this? What is single waveform? Thank you.

@mami2529 if you follow this link you’ll find the explanation.

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Are there any self programming Oticon More 1 users around here?
I am using my More 1 exclusively when listening to music. I have a dedicated room with a noise floor of 38dB, very quiet. I listen rather loud, between 85 and 105 measured.
I have the 85 amps on my More 1. My listening disability is between 2k and 4k roughly, at -85dB at the lowest.
I tweaked my More 1 to the best of my ability, raising the MPO to max and the loud curve as far as I could without having any feedback but I always have this problem.
When listening to music the high frequencies are muffled and lowered to the extent that the music sound dull, then it reopens for a 2-3 seconds and muffles back. As if the More 1 are protecting my ears from too much volume.
When it reopens briefly the sound is great, clear, crisp and balanced, meaning I did a good job fine tuning.
I am wondering if moving the 100 More 1 amp instead of the 85 will solve this problem… maybe more headroom…
What do you think?

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