Oticon Intent with Earmolds

It wouldn’t hurt to ask whether your HCP can do the ACT (Audible Contrast Threshold) test with her audiometer or not. It’s a new test just released late last year so chances are that many audiology outfits don’t have compatible audiometers to do it on, but it doesn’t hurt to ask anyway. You never know. What the ACT test will do is see how well your hearing is in noise so that it can take that measurement and apply the appropriate settings in the Intent for noise control based on that result.

In terms of loud work noises, the Intent has a Sudden Sound Stabilizer feature that can help subdue sudden loud sounds to a more comfortable level, if the sound is sudden enough.

You don’t post your hearing loss so we don’t know if your hearing loss might benefit from frequency lowering or not. But that’s another thing to ask your HCP about.

I will ask about the act test…thanks for the heads up. I do have the sudden sound feature turned on…it does help with the occasional spike in noise. But the over all noise is consistent to what my noise app would say equivalent to busy traffic noise. to me its like being in bar and trying talk over the music…(not concert loud mind you, just loud)

We haven’t touched the tinnitus features yet either…wanted to get the hearing stuff dialed in first and not complicate things. (her call and I totally agreed)

btw…custom molds are tons!!! more comfortable than domes…god I hated the dome on my last ha. My ear was always itchy and constantly pushing it back in. I find myself out of habit trying to push my receiver back in my ear…lol…but its not necessary and keep trying to break the reflex habit. They are not going anyplace…they are just so comfortable I don’t think there are in place properly sometimes I have cannel locks on them too…so they never budge a cm.

I will never go back to domes after these.

I brought my right ear mold in to my audi, asking for another fitting, as it wasn’t keeping sealed. My audi subtly re-shaped the mold, and, Voila! It’s perfect. Ask your audi if he or she has shaping tools and feels competent about this.

An unexpected update:
Had to return the Oticon Intents as my insurance had a different 3 year anniversary dates so will not pay their share until October.
So in the interium I am trying 2 different OTC HAs, the Lexie B2 plus and the Sony CRE-E10. My intial impression are the Sony’s are very good, the Lexie are not bad but have a few bugs. Both have a self test the app walks you through and Lexie improves the default setting significantly. There doesn’t seem to be a default setting with ths Sony. The sound quality, comprehension, music streaming and comprehension high noise enviornment all are excellent with the Sony, but less so on all counts with the Lexie.The only down side with the Sony is it is not the tradition look for a hearing aide but more like a Apple AirPod in that it is very visible in the ear. While this is a potential negative for some it is what makes the sound quality good. It acts much like earmoldes. This is only my 3rd day of tests but I would rate the Sonys a 9 out of 10. The Lexies a 7.

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so sorry to here about that cjb4…I hope the new ha work out for you.

I’m absolutely loving my intent ha so far. I go back this Wednesday for my second fitting.

I did have a weird thing where my left hearing aid wouldn’t turn on after I turned it off. I tell you there is nothing more cruel than having more than 3 decades of hearing loss…then having it “restored” for two weeks…then losing it again…omg…it was depressive and awful.

I had a feeling my charger could re set the power, so I dropped them in the charger when I got home that day and it instantly came back on…oh man…so glad that worked. I was pissed and freaking all day till I got home.

Is this something others have experienced? I think I held the power on bottom too long, its the only thing I can think of. to re clerify…it wasn’t a NOT sound issues…it was a no power on issue.

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No response from a button press with one of my Intents did happen to me. Short press, long press, very long press all with no response. Dropped it in the charger and the light came on. Left it for a few minutes and took it out, all back to normal.


Exactly what happened to me…thanks for following up on that. I wasn’t sure if this was common.

I learned today that there a 3 differnt levels of technology with Oticon Intent. The Intent 1, 2, and 3 with the level 1 the most expensive. Is that correct 3 diferent chips in the Intent?

Same chip, different features “locked” so pay some more $$ arnd we’ll “unlock” for you.

I could have sworn there are 4 tiers for the Intent while there are 3 tiers for the Real and More.

The tier 1 and 2 of the Intent have the Clear Dynamics and the 4D Sensors feature, both of which are important if you like to listen to live music (for Clear Dynamics) and take advantage of the 4D Sensors. If you go down to the 3 and 4 levels, you will miss out on them.

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Here’s the chart with the 4 tiers:

As @tenkan said only 1 chip.
As Mr V @Volusiano said 4 tiers

Thanks Flash very helpful. Interesting business model.

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