Oticon Intent Bluetooth LE Streaming Quality

Thanks for the tip. Good idea. Should I ever break down and pay for one of those services I’ll keep that in mind.

After my second fitting check up (still in the trial period) the audiologist made a tweak that aloud me to increase the streaming volume for when I am walking or biking in a noisy environment such as traffic. It made a big difference. As many others have noted in response to other issues, it is all about the expertise of your audiologist in making small adjustments over a few visits. It is unlikely that your fittingnis going to be perfect first time out of the box.


Dr. Cliff uses Android (iPhone for troubleshooting with clients). ASHA used on modern Android is… Not good. Outside of Sonova, nothing comes close to streamed audio on this side of the pond (universally).

I’m sure I’ll eventually get LE audio HAs in the future but I’m not expecting better audible sound quality vs SBC. I’m more interested in xMEM drivers or a dual driver ITC

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I have the Real1 aids and I have the Samsung galaxy S23 phone now. For about 9 years I had iPhone but I walked away from Apple because the connectivity became erratic, a friend ask me to try the Samsung galaxy S23 and I couldn’t be any happier. I will be getting the INTENT1 aids this next month.

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Yes- using Bluetooth with iOS devices appears to be a hassle in general. When I plug in my (Phonak) HAs in the morning they instantly connect with my Android (Zenfone8) phone, and remain “tuned” all day for any audio that it produces. I also have a Bluetooth “subscription” with the iPad I use all day, but that connectivity is extremely irregular.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this is Apple telling us to only use Apple devices (staying in their walled garden)…

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Like @cvkemp , I too have the S23 and find the ASHA protocol quite nice.

I would agree that for me LE Audio is not yet that good… Waiting on a patch from Google, GN…or maybe even Samsung :unamused:. It behoves them to get this working well however. There is a lot of publicity going out from each of them.


This may have been addressed earlier in the thread. If so, sorry for the duplication. It is my understanding that Apple has not released any devices with LE Audio. So far it is just an android thing. If you have an apple phone you are using MFI protocol.

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