Objective self-administered test of speech understanding?

I’m a hybrid of audiologist-assisted and DIY wearer of late-model Phonak HAs and user of Phonak Target software. My main hearing issue is speech understanding.

It would be very helpful if I had a way to quickly evaluate a change to my HAs (including coupling) and their fitting. I’m thinking of something like a WRS test that would use a standardized source saying, “Type the word [e.g.,] cat” and I would respond by typing either the word I think I (might have) heard or a “?” for a “huh?” response. The word order would have to be unpredictable from having done previous sessions. I’d guess at least 100 words per session would be required to get results that are comparable from one session to another.

I’d have no problem providing a “standard” testing environment, e.g., on a given position in front of my home entertainment system with the volume control always at a given setting. The test could be provided by a web site. The results needn’t be objective in the sense that they are comparable between persons; I’d just need to quickly see whether a change in my HA configuration had a positive WRS result.

I haven’t seen anything that would do this. Have you?

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Hello, I took a look at your audiogram. I am just a HAIDs wearer, but if I were you, I would change my HAIDs to 675 batteries + standard tube + molds.

Some years ago, starting this journey, I used in-the-ear and did have problems understanding. After I got into molds and big enough HAIDs, I even got promoted to times.

Today I can get lost in a fast-talker and even in some conversations, but the difference is abysmal.

A good look at your search Objective…

this is kinda like you are referring to:slight_smile: :

Kinda sorta; needs work. E.g., the words appear on screen at too short an interval after they’re spoken. Plus we would like to have randomization for multiple usage.

You are correct … you need to work with a web programmer and make one that works :slight_smile: