Noahlink wireless

Простите rvjuok,но вы уже пробовали согласовть ваши OPN1 от Oticon
с NoahLink Wireless?

Друзья посоветовали:
LightBlue® Explorer
вроде как сканироание BLE Bluetooth.
Может это поможет?
У меня с этой программой определяет мои OPN2,
а NoahLink нееопределяет.
На моём NoahLink есть до сих пор заводская наклейка.
Не может ли она быть помехой для связи?

Может глупо?

Unless you’re thinking you might return them then I would take those stickers off. If only just for appearances sake :slight_smile: As for radio interference…doubt it. That plastic would have to have lots of metallic particles in it. Which I doubt. You could see if anything connects by pointing the ends of the thing towards you rather than the front face. But that’s grasping. Or see if you could re-apply the sticker afterwards in case you do choose to return it.

My Noahlink Wireless работает с пластиком или без него. LightBlue® Explorer? Вы можете обнаружить устройство. Но вы не можете запрограммировать устройство.

My Noahlink Wireless works with or without plastic. LightBlue® Explorer? You can detect the device. But you can not program the device.

pvc: I interpret him as saying that “well at least the HA’s are detectable so why not via the Noahlink?”.

I think the problem is in the code

Нет, я не думаю, что проблема связана с кодом установки, поставляемым Oticon.

Справка Genie 2 говорит;
Добавить или удалить инструменты: добавьте инструменты, которые недоступны на вашем рынке. Для этого требуется код; обратитесь в местную службу поддержки.

No, I do not think the problem is with the installation code supplied by Oticon.

Genie 2 Help says;
Add or remove instruments: add instruments that are not available in your market. This requires a code; contact your local support.

instruments = models = Hearing Aids

So maybe change the “Region & language” of Windows to the US or something and maybe even the keyboard and then try? And maybe it won’t even ask for a code?

Genie 2 ничего не просил

I tried changing the region.
Shot the oilcloth.
Nothing helps.

It looks like you got further than it asking for a code. So that’s some progress.

Why is this popping up then?

Maybe he needs to return his computer to the state it was before he installed Genie and then install Genie and not do any codes.
I’m just throwing out ideas. You say you’re fresh out so why not.

pvc: I don’t have Genie. I don’t have Oticon’s. I don’t have a NoahLink Wireless. I’m just throwing out ideas where you seem to be fresh out.

From the other thread;
How to get out of Flight Mode (all wireless operation is disabled):

  1. Open and close battery door
  2. Wait 10 seconds before wireless operation is resumed, then try Detect
  3. Wait 15 seconds before opening battery door to avoid resume flight mode

I repeated the following:
1.Open and close battery door
2.Wait 10 seconds before wireless operation is resumed, then try Detect
3.Wait 15 seconds before opening battery door to avoid resume flight mode
And it did not help.
Do you have an official Genie2?
And when installing Genie 2, which region is better to put?
Thank you all for your attention!