Noahlink Wireless first time

I have KS10 aids and have downloaded the phonak target software. I’m wondering if I could find a Noahlink wireless to borrow to connect the first time would I then be able to do remote sessions with my self to make further adjustments?

I’m pretty sure you need a Phonak account to do remote sessions.

Makes no sense to try this, your better off just paying up front for the Noahlink and making the programming changes with it, your future proofing getting one anyway, remember the Noahlink wireless is good for most brands.

Right…no phonak account required to make adjustments…just for remote.

Oh that’s good to know altho I think I’d prefer to have a Noahlink Wireless as I don’t believe you can do firmware updates via remote sessions?

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I think he means no account needed as long as you have the Noahlink for programming/adjustments, but for remote sessions as you stated, you need a Phonak Pro account.

But I will say, I did see a post where one member says he did manage to do remote sessions without a Pro account, I never confirmed it tho.


Exactly…with the Noahlink wireless I can adjust as much as I want without account…never tried remote as what’s the point if I have the Noahlink wireless…but I recall reading an instructional PDF stating remote requires an account.

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Ah you make more sense now. You’re previous post was a bit confusing. :slight_smile:

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Seems Target had to be the Chinese version if I remember correctly. Or somewhere in Asia.


I think this was the post: