MyPhonak Remote Setup?

I heard that it is possible to make a remote session with myself if I have Phonak Target. How is this possible?

My Audi never used remote setup.

I don’t know how or why you’d do it. You’d need to have connected to the aids via Noahlink wireless to be able to do it, I think.



Yes not much point, if you want to go DIY then it makes sense to get the Noahlink wireless and then you can program just about any brand of HA just like the clinics do, remember it’s the industry standard for programming now.


I had looked up myPhonak on Phonak Pro. The only discussion was about remote setup.

It is possible to program bluetooth enabled Phonak hearing aids (Marvel, Paradise, Lumity, Infinio) without using Noahlink Wireless, via the Remote Support feature and MyPhonak App. Thanx to @menglxs

Programming hearing aid without using Noahlink Wireless
First: the hearing aids need to be setup and programmed via an initial session with Target and Noahlink Wireless. Make sure that during the inital programming session the computer and mobile phone are connected to the internet, and your hearing aids are connected to the MyPhonak APP.
Finish initial setup programming session , save and close Target.
Remove Noahlink wireless from computer.

For further programming sessions (without Noahlink Wireless) you need mobile phone and notebook with Target software and both devices need stable internet connection to WiFi or mobile network.

Start Phonak Target and select the programming session, on the right side in section eSolutions klick the button “Start Remote Support”.

Open the MyPhonak App on the mobile phone and go to → Support → Remote Support → Start Session → Start Remote Supprt - Join,

When the Phonak Target says connected (in the top left corner) you can open your programming session , then hit the button “connect” and make the adjustments you want.

During programming the hearing aids via Remote Support, it not possible to change MPO to higher values.

What, if you don’t have a Noahlink Wireless programmer?
The following conditions are needed, to program Phonak hearing aids without the Noahlink Wiress programmer, just by using the mobile phone with MyPhonak App and computer with Phonak Target fitting software.


  • MyPhonak App installed on mobile phone. Hearing aids need paired and connected to the mobile phone.
  • Phonak Target installed on your computer (Notebook, or PC)
  • If you don’t have Noahlink Wireless , you need the initial programming session from the person who first setup the aids with Phonak Target. The primal setup of the HAs need to be done with Noahlink Wireless!
  1. The person who is initially programming your hearing aids need connect the computer to the Internet while programming your HA, that the “Remote Support” function of your hearing aid will be activated when the programming/saving of data is completed.

  2. Ask the person who programmed your hearing aids to export all programming sessions for your hearing aids from Phonak Target, this will result in an “export” file.
    You need to get the Phonak Target export file on a USB-Stick

  3. Copy the export file to your computer and import it into Phonak Target.

  4. Open Phonak Target and select the imported session, then hit the button “Start Remote Support”.

  5. Install MyPhonak App on your mobile phone, pair your hearing aid with mobile and open myPhonak to connect to Remote session: in the App go to: → Support → Remote Support → Start Session → Start Remote Supprt - Join

In this way, you can grab your notebook and your smartphone and programm your hearing aids on the go wherever you want, without carring Noahlink Wireless.
A connection to WiFi or mobile network is an necessary condition for mobile phone and notebook.


Wow, thank you very much for help!

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Still a pointless exercise, if you have a Noahlink wireless, makes no sense, in the other example you need a laptop/target and smartphone plus internet connection, wow so much easier to just have the Noahlink wireless, it’s plug and play and no need for internet connection
(look ma no hands!)
Just remember you can’t do everything by remote support, it’s brilliant for the clinics but not so much for the DIY’er.


Sorry, I’m not sure I understood your point 1.

Do I still need the person who programmed the hearing aids with Noahlink to connect to my HAs remotely before I do the same?

Because I doubt that my remote audiologist would agree to that but I would still to tinker a bit with it…

You’re right, there is no better method than with Noahlink Wireless 2. However it may be difficult for me to buy it from my country. I have never bought anything from eBay and don’t know much yet about checking credibility of its sellers.

However, perhaps in several month i’ll buy it, when I come back to work and make money.

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Sure I understand that, yeah it’s not always easy to find a seller fulfillment, but you are protected both by eBay buyer protection and PayPal, but there’s also Amazon you can buy from.

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Target connecting to the internet registers your HAs to be eligible for the remote fitting. This probably happened, but it isn’t certain.

Then you need the files off the computer of the person who programmed your HAs, or you need to have Noahlink wireless at least one time to build those files locally. After that you’d be able to remote fit assuming both mobile and target computer have network acces.


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So, you mean that if you don’t have the files of the audiologist who programmed the aids, without Noahlink and just with the remote adjustment, Target can‘t “see“ your current HA setup and change it?

Target needs those files to know which aids to reach out and touch.

You can build those files with a noahlink. Or your HCP could give them to you.



Thanks mate! Much obliged!

Sorry, one more question a bit off topic @WhiteHat: can you input in Target the configuration files of another HA model and use it for a newer model?

I THINK that it needs to be the same HAs that were seen by noahlink and registered on internet, and the files built for them.



In that case, one would have to manually copy the settings, right?

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Or build them with your own noahlink.



Target has an import/export feature, doesn’t always work exactly as intended, so sometimes you have to manually copy.

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