My Phonak Audeo Paradise p90R setup

Results last visit to my hearing instrument specialist produced wonderful results.

I told him I wasn’t hearing words well. Needed a tune up.
Asked him if he ever changed the hearing program. So he did. He told me the program that he used. There was an incredible improvement. I heard better

I told him I needed help with backround noise. He made some changes. ( I live in the flight path of Toronto Airport)

I told him that I am exhausted by about 2:00 pm He listened.

It’s been a week. They’re much better. The hearing aids are. I have to turn them up a notch or two. That’s easy to do.

Thank you: Rob at Hearing Well Matters in Burlington Ontario.



Hi Dave, great news that he was able to make it even better, I always did say, the programing is very important to suit one’s special need. We are lucky here in Quebec that the Audi’s are trained and certified, makes it a lot less challenging on us. When I give her feedback, she listens and adjust to MY requirements, works great.


My dispensing audi was a gentleman. He accomplished miracles. He got me new hearing aids from Workman’s Compensation after 2 years; he got the top model, which doesn’t happen.

However, his setup was terrible. He spent a lot of time with me. I wished him well when I left, at his request.

My Hearing Instrument Specialist took me on,even though I only had my hearing aids for a year and a half. I’m very grateful for his skill, patience and understanding. I hear better now. The last visit was a major jump ahead.


ps I’m grateful you have had good experience. Many people here have helped me learn. However, I was disappointed along the way.