My Oticon OPN S1 Minirite 85: trying new domes

Hi everybody
As my audiogramme has got worse, we try to optimize.
My technician has optimized my fitting (augmented amplification and so).
He gave me three types of new domes. All of them have better isolation to prevent from larsen.
When I put the smallest of them it feels most comfortable, but it is critical to larsen.
When I put the largest, it has absolutely no larsen, but it is much louder and it amplifies the environmental noise too much.
This leds me to my deeper question:
Putting domes with higher isolation, does that change automatically the amplification of my Oticon OPN S1 Minirite 85?
Thanks in advance

Sorry, I’m confused what “Larsen” is?

Larsen effect


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Hi John, this is feedback with piping!

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Every time you change domes/molds, the fitter has to update the genie2 software to match the changes in gain to your targets.ĂŤdeally they should also do REM.
Finally, they need to run the feedback analyzer to eliminate that feedbacky larsony.


Thanks flashb1024,
Your comment is right, but it doesn’t answer my question.
I asked, if the Systems do reduce amplification changing Domes and not changing Genie fitting.
In the meantime, my fitter gave me the answer: changing domes without changing Genie fitting doesn’t change the HA’s behaviour.
So I use the smallest dome even when it is piping in seldom cases.
For me with this the case is closed and I wish to thank everybody:)

It doesn’t change the HAs behavior, but it does potentially change the acoustic profile of what is going on between the receiver and the ear drum. Sound is very responsive to these small shape changes. It won’t always change, but it can. Best practices would point to making sure.



It definitely changes the gains available, say from open to closed.

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