Domes kept backing out. Big ears. Had the biggest double dome, they just would not stay put even with locks.
So I went to molds with locks. Initial fit wasn’t to my liking. Ears got sore. Since I was 2+ hours from Costco, it occurred to me…I’m the one who knows exactly where the mold is hurting me. So over a period of days, I’d take a finger nail file and simply hone down the trouble areas. Did a little at a time, and 1-2 weeks later…they fit great.
The downside. I cannot understand speech as well with the molds. Had several adjustments done, finally the HIS person activated the old dome program…and instantly it was much…MUCH better. She said it’s not suppose to work that way but it did. Given that…I’m still running into situations where I simply cannot hear speech. I have the volume on these all the way up. I’m thinking of going back to domes as a ‘test’ to see if speech recognition improves. If I can get over this last issue of clarity of speech…I think I’m fairly set with my hearing aids after 1 year of getting them.
Actually, that’s your thread that I always link to when I talk about this.
So I went to molds with locks. Initial fit wasn’t to my liking. Ears got sore. Since I was 2+ hours from Costco, it occurred to me…I’m the one who knows exactly where the mold is hurting me. So over a period of days, I’d take a finger nail file and simply hone down the trouble areas. Did a little at a time, and 1-2 weeks later…they fit great.
When my left mold broke, it was my HIS’s partner, a full fledged audi, who put in the replacement. He buffed it some, then told me I could do what you did, nail file. I did that some, and it did get better, but I was a little miffed. I paid all this money for the service as much as for the aid. So I called back and made sure to get an appointment with my original guy. He did a fantastic job of getting right. Just goes to show that when it’s audi vs. HIS, the initials don’t matter so much, it’s the individual.
The downside. I cannot understand speech as well with the molds. Had several adjustments done, finally the HIS person activated the old dome program…and instantly it was much…MUCH better. She said it’s not suppose to work that way but it did. Given that…I’m still running into situations where I simply cannot hear speech. I have the volume on these all the way up. I’m thinking of going back to domes as a ‘test’ to see if speech recognition improves. If I can get over this last issue of clarity of speech…I think I’m fairly set with my hearing aids after 1 year of getting them.
Have you had a REM test with the molds? If you have the volume maxed out, it seems like something is wrong.
Some canals/ears cannot be fit with molds…even though the loss dictates that a mold be used. Double domes are sometimes the only option in this case. Programming can be adjusted to fit the loss and still give ample sound to the user…In a severe to profound loss, this may not be possible, but you can have your AuD try, it can’t hurt.
New kid on the block and this topic really interests me. Only been wearing for 3 months and having a lot of trouble with domes and sleeves working their way loose. I am a RIC with only moderate (or is it moderate/severe) loss. I like the idea of molds for all the reasons mentioned here and my audio has also suggested molds but before I had the chance to discuss went ahead and ordered them. Now he has gone under the radar and I can’t contact him. I’m happy to wear full shell (may as well advertise these things) if that helps keep them in but is this even available to RIC users. All I’ve seen are stubby little lucite things that look like they go nowhere near the eardrum and would fall out if I shook my head
Your hearing loss doesn’t show a big need for ear molds in my opinion.
Have you tried all the different domes available? Maybe another some would stay put for you. Members have mentioned slightly bending or adjusting the wire to help hold the dome in place.
Ear molds come in many shapes and materials. Do a google search on ear molds to see all the different styles.
I posted the original message that started this chain, and I appreciate all those who have replied.
Gaydrever, we all know we all have ear canals that are different from those of others. My experience may not be applicable to others, but after three years of successfully and comfortably wearing domes,I have absolutely no reason to try molds.That said, I’m not a big-time athlete jumping around all over the place, and I don’t wear aids when swimming, etc.
Just wanted to share that with you. I would suggest trying different domes before going into molds. I think they can have problems of their own, from what I’ve read.
I have kind of been around the merry-go-round on this one and about the only thing I can say for sure is that what works is very individual in nature. Since you mention sleeves and the only manufacturer that I know of that offers them is Signia/Rexton I presume that is what you have for hearing aids. I started with open sleeves for my KS8’s (Rexton/Signia), and from there went to closed sleeves, and from there to three sets of molds. The first two sets were canal only molds, and the last were half shell molds.
My main issue in going away from closed sleeves was feedback. The molds (silicone) certainly did solve the feedback issue, but they created a comfort and stay in place issue. One mold stayed in place while the other did not. Rexton decided that I needed half shells to keep them in place.That worked for sure, and I almost needed to call a tow truck to get them out of my ears. But, one of them was really uncomfortable, and both made noise in my ear when I was eating (hearing aid on or off).
I ended up going back to closed sleeves, and had the gain cut back in one ear to stop the feedback. I tried three sizes over a long period of time before deciding on the right size to use (small for me). They do not stay in place perfectly, and do not work for feedback perfectly, but all considered they are the best compromise for me.
But, as I said this is all individual. Some love their molds, and certainly on the computer and in theory they are the best. The only way to know for sure is to try them. If with Costco, this is a no risk trial. They take them back if you don’t like them. And I did.
Thanks for the welcome. I agree my loss doesn’t require the use of molds but the main issue is security. Have tried different sized domes and sleeves. Sleeves are just about okay but still come out a bit and I get bad feedback in the right which simply won’t go right in and is the smallest size. My audio said my canals don’t do a great job helping anything stay in. That’s why he mentioned earmolds. Might even get better sound.
My work often entails the use of earmuffs, dust mask, hat and glasses. Often the hearing aids get dislodged when removing this paraphanalia. I have googled RIC earmolds and it shows very little little.
Can only try I guess.
Sorry I haven’t replied to all. Not sure how to do it on this forum. Your input is much appreciated
Taking safety equipment off and then back on would be an issue keeping your aids in for sure.
Ear molds would stay in much better than domes, mine do. I have worn both BTE and RIC aids with domes and with ear molds. I too had issues with domes slipping out and needing to push them back in all the time. The ear molds do stay in securely. The bigger the mold the more secure it will stay in your ear but you still need to be comfortable with your aids. Molds with some kind of canal lock should be secure. I use half canal lock soft silicone molds with good results.
I presume you have tries the XS sleeves? They are very small. If your ear canals are that small, you may have a bit of an issue with molds too. They need room for the receiver and a vent hole. Sometimes when they are very small they use a groove along the outside of them for a vent. See this chart of mold vent types.
This is the problem. He didn’t discuss the mold types with me at all. Just ordered them when he heard through his staff that sleeves weren’t working for me. Too busy to talk to me and now won’t be back at that clinic. I will have to now see the other audio. Thanks for your input. Really not sure if my stylettos are suitable for many mold options as the RIC wires can only be detached/attached by the factory.
Thanks for that. Maybe extra small will work. Was unaware they existed. Molds have been ordered so maybe they will have venting as you have shown in the chart
Thanks John
Will now keep trying different domes/sleeves as I think the audio jumped the gun on ordering molds without discussion. Seems to be a man under pressure and that’s not helping. Who knows, maybe the molds will be perfect. Just wish I knew what he has ordered.
BTW my name is Gray, not Gay as you have written hahaha
These should be the options available. All the click sleeves and click domes should work on receivers up to the P size. The XS size has the vent on the side up near the tip. They are so small there is no room on the tip.
I asked for the xS, S, and M sleeves to take home and try for comfort and feedback. For me the xS was the most comfortable but also gave me the most feedback. The M had the least feedback, but was the most uncomfortable. For me the small was the Goldilocks choice.
I think it’s largely shape. Sleeves are sort of oval shaped; closed domes are round. Sleeves are also available in closed and vented versions. Sleeves provide better feedback control according to a Signia whitepaper. I suspect it depends on how well the shape matches ones ear canal. Although most recommend an open dome for my loss, I prefer the vented click sleeve.