I was afraid of that. I presume one company’s receiver won’t fit where another was?
Receivers generally can’t be used with another unrelated brand. But earmolds (except for the ones with a high-powered receiver permanently embedded) may be usable with a receiver from a brand other than the one it was made for. Like, I had molds made for Whisper receivers (a since-discontinued brand) and my audiologist was able to fit Oticon receivers into them. The receiver sizes have to be close enough.
Any reason the high power speakers need to be fully imbedded other than appearance?
@x475aws There’s a small exception, Signia adopted receivers from Widex [same mother company], and they’re interchangeable now.
My molds are based on CIC aids that I wore many years ago. They had a good curve at the canal end and so they got past the first bend in my ear. Now they are a little small and I haven’t found a place that can put the bend in. Perhaps this is due to my Oticon 100 receivers but I don’t think so since I can more or less eyeball the fit against the CIC aids as working.
Wax dip makes a lot of sense I think.
Can you share the name of company?
Well, the high power, or UP receivers are larger, so the standard domes would not work. So have a special line of UP domes for a small market, or make them custom, encased.
Lloyd hearing aid! They are also very cost effective!
Thanks thanks thanks
I have gotten several set of molds from them both hard and soft
They are close to me so I go in and see Andy Palmquist
Yes! I love them! And Erika is very helpful whenever I need to make adjustments or have any questions!