Length of my Resound receiver wire

Trying to find the size # of my Linx Quattro receiver wire, It is 1 and 7/8th inches long but don’t know if that is a size 2,3 or 4. Any help appreciated,

That’s the length of the wires on the 2 MP C receivers for my Quattros. Umm, make that 1 and 13/16th inches, best estimate without pulling the wire taut.

You could try and get hold of the receiver measurement tool, which would give the correct size. You’ll need the HP receiver no doubt.

You don’t see a number and 2 letters printed on the receiver? The number is the wire length and the two letters are the receiver power. Mine are 3 MP, which is 3 length wire with medium power receivers.

The OP says he’s using custom made molds, so is unable to see the actual receivers.

Sorry, I see that now from the other thread yesterday.

Thanks for the Replys. I did find a printable measurement tool on line and while it’s pretty difficult to use on myself I think I’m a 3. I just ordered a #3MP as my mold did have MP stamped in very small print that I could read with a magnifying glass. Be interesting to see if this works out or I wasted money.

That is VERY COOL! I didn’t even know that receivers had the wire numbers on them. Indeed, my Phonak Marvel receivers have 2P stamped on them, so I’m guessing “2” is the length, and “P” is maybe for Power?

I love that ear wire measuring tool! I’ve LONG thought that my ear wires are simply too long. They stick out of my ears and catch on fingers, combs, etc., But of course the other part of that equation is that my silicone domes always slip slooooowly out of the canal all day long, too. I’m forever pushing them back INTO my canal cuz the sound quality deteriorates as they work their way out.

Where can us lowly consumers BUY such a device? It appears it may be for audi use only?

You can actually have the mold made/fitted with a canal lock, this works for 95% of people.

Check this post, gives you all the right information about them.

That is a VERY helpful post! I will keep a link to it handy for future reference. I’ve seen locks and leashes there I didn’t even know existed! :hugs: