Issues with (Costco) Phonak Brio 2 / What other HA should I try?

I’m going to try the Costco Ks7, which also uses a streamer, but does not require it for things like volume & program control. That’s what I hate most. I don’t usually wear shirts with pockets, as it’s mostly a men’s Clothing thing, and would also be useless in winter. Glad it works for you. I guess I’m just spoiled by years of great pre-HA Bluetooth service from Motorola. Not enjoying the aging thing so much (already have IOL’s), but at least I haven’t had to replace any joints yet.

I seem to think that there are very few HA’s that have no switches/buttons. Indeed the KS7 can be programmed to control both sides. I have the right set to volume and press/hold for program change. And the left for “tone”. I have the smartphone program for it but actually rarely use it. I don’t have the factory neckloop. I have an aftermarket one that uses the telecoil.
I’m not sure anybody enjoys the aging thing :slight_smile:
What’s an IOL?

Please clarify what you mean here? I don’ know of any aids that require a streamer for volume and program control.

I’m pretty sure IOL is Intra Ocular Lens (like for cataract surgery) I don’t use my smartphone app much with my KS7s now either, although it was a fun toy initially.

I was astounded that a young’n’ in my office could hear the tone it made.
Thanks about IOL.

duplicate post…

I assume you’re talking about the tone the smart phone uses to communicate with the KS7. Yeah, it’s about 12khz. My hearing aid fitter could hear it clearly

Ken P was talking about putting his phone in his pocket, not the streamer.

The Phonak Brio 2, sold by Costco, requires that the Compilot streamer be turned on in order for a phone to communicate with the HA’s. So, no program or volume control without the extra gadget.

I looked at a picture of them on Costco’s site and I see buttons. I would be about certain that those buttons would be able to control volume and program choices.

KenP also mentioned clipon mic’s.

There’s no way I would regularly use a neck loop; I love my jewelry. Are you saying that the KS7’s have control buttons on the HA’s? Using an app on my phone would be second nature for me, so no problem there, though buttons on the HA’s sounds really smart. I’m generally disappointed in the level of tech available. It’s surprising that there is only one truly hands free device on the market, and it has not received rave reviews.

As someone already answered, IOL is Intra Ocular Lens, an artificial replacement for natural lenses clouded by cataracts. They fall short also, but I remember the 2” thick glasses that they replaced, and, yes, I also remember the huge & ugly vintage HA’s. We’ve come a long way & I’m grateful for it all, though it doesn’t keep me from nit picking.

I’m not sure there’s some confusion of what is being controlled and where.

The HA’s (most modern digital ones) have buttons that can control volume and programs on the HA’s.

A streamer is required for many HA’s to allow outside sources to “pipe” into the HA’s and perhaps also in addition to the HA’s themselves to control programs and volume. These sources could be a phone, a music player, a tv etc. Most of these streamers offer wireless connectivity to those devices that can output wirelessly.

Several HA’s can wirelessly connect directly to a device without a streamer ie. iphone and one HA to Android. I assume they would simply use the built-in volume control but not sure about programs. But then they would need to be “connected” to be useful.

And another thing is app control from a smartphone. These can also control volume and program choices.

I’ve made several edits. This is 13:19PST

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Well, there are hearing aids that have a mic hung on them in a wire extension. It is a large CIC model. Know next to nothing about them.


You are trying to make decisions based on an incomplete understanding of what the various models of hearing aids will and will not do.

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Which is why I have asked questions.

Given that the Phonak B70 (edit Direct B70) is the only aid with hands free calling, and that none of the Costco aids have tinnitus feature…

If you stay with Costco, then KS7, Zerena, and Forte all will control the aids either with an ap, (all 3) or even from the iPhone lock screen (Zerena & Forte). Not sure if Zerena includes both volume and program change directly from aids, but I know the others do.

K7 ap can connect by Bluetooth via the necklace when it is worn. When necklace not worn, it changes volume and programming by sending (semi) inaudible tones to the aids ( one way tones -there is not a connection). the Zerena and Forte connect via Apple’s MFI Bluetooth protocol.

You mention you are wedded to your iPhone so I am surprised MFI was not a consideration that Costco would have mentioned initially. There is additional “free” functionality present there if you have interest.

After sorta getting myself into this thread and curious about this hands free business…I looked at Phonak’s offerings and from what I can tell it’s a little more specifically the Audeo B-Direct that offers complete hands free. Although you have to touch a button on the HA to answer a call. The Direct version still has the three power levels like the 70 you mentioned. So it’s kinda right to say B70 but you gotta add the Direct. So it’s the Phonak Audeo B(70)-Direct. But indeed it uses the mic’s on the HA’s to send back down wirelessly to the phone to communicate. There’s your totally hands free @6934ca706e439a3ddaa2. Then I re-read your OP. Yes…that’s the one. And no Costco doesn’t offer any tinnitus features.

I wonder if you can stream from a phone this way too? They have another device to connect to sound sources but I wonder if you can play straight from a phone. It would make sense that you could of course.

The Audeo B Direct will not stream direct. Requires intermediate device (I think intended for TV, but also allows streaming.

Yeah I dug around yet more and found something somewhere on a phonak page that says as much. Odd. You’d think that would be just a part of outputting sound from the phone. Apparently Skype, Facetime and even Siri can be heard but not audio and video. You’d think maybe even just mono would work. Collapse the stereo to mono and play. But no. Interesting.
Oh well. Maybe next rev.

There are dozens (literally) of apps that will allow you to stream ALL of the audio on an Android phone to your B-Directs IN MONO. I haven’t tried them all, but some are kind of fiddly. In the Play Store look for “Bluetooth Mono”. BTW, I really wanted to love the B-Directs, but they were a big disappointment.