Is an OPN S1 significantly better than the OPN S3?

I have an opportunity to get a pair of S1’s from a buddy dirt cheap. Is there a noticeable difference between the two? Would it be worth the bother? Will it make any difference outside in the streets or park, stores, anywhere?

It may make an difference outside in the streets or park, stores, depending on the setup of the aids. OPN S1 have better noise removal than OPN S3

Better and easier speech comprehension: Concentration on the person you are talking to, blocking out background noise
Opn S 1 : + + +
Opn S 2 : + +
Opn S 3 : +

Spatial hearing; Spatial hearing and direction recognition
Opn S 1 : + + +
Opn S 2 : + +
Opn S 3 : +

Sound quality; Clarity and sound quality (speech, music)
Opn S 1 : + + +
Opn S 2 : + +
Opn S 3 : +

Personalization: Adjustment to individual sound preferences and listening abilities
Opn S 1 : + + +
Opn S 2 : + +
Opn S 3 : +


I wear a set of OPN 1 and a few years ago, I had a chance to personally wear and review a set of OPN 3 in parallel with my OPN 1 for A/B comparison. You can read my review in the link below.

The OPN and the OPN S differ mainly in 1 thing → the S has the new OpenSound Optimizer which was the new feedback prevention technology released at the time. It’s still being used in the More and Real today. So my impression between the OPN 1 and OPN 3 should be applicable to the OPN S1 and S3 comparison as well, sans the Optimizer.

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