Invisible IIC Pros and Cons

I have to disagree hearing aids have come a long ways just in the last 10 years that I have been wearing aids. The hardware has greatly improved, and now software is improving greatly also. And there is now a size and type of hearing aids for almost ever possibility. The issues I see is this, we as human beings want something man made that can do what nature has taken many many years to develop. I am sorry to say but that is going to take a long time to happen. There is a real possibility that stem cell research may be able to re-grow out hairs in our ears to help some out way after my life time. But try as we do hearing aids will never replace our hearing but they have come a long way in helping us hear.
The other issues I have seen is that most humans want to put on the aids and hear perfectly the first time. As I have learned over the last 10 years it takes time for our brains to adjust to the sounds that aids give us, and yes there is still some issues with the ways that aids are fitted. I am using the ITC aids now and before I was using BTE rite aids. The main reason is that my hearing is now severe in my right ear and almost severe in the left. I also like the comfort of ITE/INC aids, I guess that is mostly due to the fact that I am outside a lot and I wear hats, and the BTE aids feed back too much with a hat on. But here in Texas you need the hat to protect you from the sun.

OK with that said I also believe that you should go with what works for you and not what anyone else is using or telling you you have to use. Hearing aids are very personal, and if you have a great Audi they can be your best friend, but if you get one that is just there to earn a pay check you will not always get the fitting you really deserve.

The one sentence I want to emphasize from my post is the following. I think it’s very important for all hard of hearing individuals to understand.

Some will write you off for wearing a hearing aid. All will write you off if you can’t hear (or communicate with) them.

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Hey there,

I would like to continue IIC chat. Would you think that IIC HA would work like earplugs while you are exposed to a loud noise ? I mean, when the battery runs down I barely can hear anything. I asked about it my audi and he told that hearing aids all sounds over 80 dB amplifies just a bit or even reduces them (i am wearing intiga i8), so it is like natural barrier OR I am just mistaking ?

another question related to IIC. I’m wearing my aids about 5 years. After a while, my audi noticed that in one ear I have the small exostosis, which wasnt diagnosed before all my hearing aids experience. Since exostosis is “surfers ear”(water, humidity, etc) would you think that IIC could be responsible for that ? I am trying to relate that while we are wearing IIC our years are having lack of ventilation, similar to ‘surfers ear’ conditions. Anyone has similar experience ?

Thanks !

If a loud sound is introduced, the aid limits it to a prescribed setting. You can have the fitter reduce that somewhat. However, they aren’t a replacement for muffs or plugs.

Moisture can contribute to problems such as swimmer’s ear or a fungus. You want to keep them clean. You can also uses a cleansing product that is antiseptic. One such was related by one of the providers here as 1/3 alcohol - 1/3 white vinegar, 1/3 water. Use a cotton swab to apply.

You can also apply it to the mold or dome being careful to avoid getting to much moisture at the input.

A RIC in 312 battery size is very inobtrusive. I’ve asked people if they noticed my hearing aids and they invariably say no and I have to point them out for them to see. Some people do like the IICs though. I’ll admit, there are situations when I’m active that I wouldn’t mind a pair of IICs. I think they would be nice in wind and when I’ve got things going on around my head (rope when I’m climbing, bike helmet, etc.) But for everyday, I like my RICs.