Installing the myPhonak app on an Amazon Fire HD tablet

Please share the steps you followed to install the Google Play Store on the Fire HD 10 Plus. I downloaded, installed it and it shows up on my app screen, but when I click on it, it just flashes once but does not open. I did check to “allow apps from unknown sources.”

I also researched a number of web sites that describes various methods, including installing several apk’s. One even suggested the “easiest” way is to download a Fire utility onto your PC to export the downloads to the Fire. But the PC blocks the download and my Windows Firewall prevents me from adding an exception. But all this has been entertaining for a few hours. :upside_down_face:

I’ll report if I make any progress. But as of now, there is none.

BTW, I sideloaded Google Play Store apps onto earlier Fire versions several years ago. It was a no brainer back then. Amazon has increased the difficulty of even accessing the Google Play Store from the internet - they block the Play Store site - never mind downloading apps from that site.

Here you go follow the instructions to a tee


Thanks! It all worked. And even after getting a couple things out of sequence because the Fire didn’t show the precise download file names - it still worked out. Especially after I deleted a couple of bad installs of the Playstore app.

Now I’m cranking Amazon Music through my Phonaks from the Fire HD 10 Plus. :slightly_smiling_face: :crazy_face:

Now I’ll stick my SD card back in and reset it back to storing things as if on the main drive. I hope that won’t screw anything up.

BTW, the new Fire OS is sure a big improvement over the earlier versions. Much more Android-like, with Amazon features adding to and not detracting from the Android experience - of course except for the Google Play exclusion.


Now youse guys (@cvkemp included!) have to get My Phonak working on @MDB’s Chromebook for him! (or he needs a Fire 10 HD Plus tablet for Christmas!). :slightly_smiling_face:

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Found this.

My Chromebook came with Playstore installed and every app I’ve attempted to install except MyPhonak has worked. I can also stream sound/music to my hearing aids from the Chromebook, but that has nothing to do with the app. @gfmucci I’m assuming “it all worked” means you got the MyPhonak app installed and it works?

Not all apps work.
It’s up to the developer to make it work on a Chromebook.

Yup. I just played a Prime Movie audio from the Fire through my Phonak.

The only downside I noted is while I’m playing anything from the Fire to the Phonak, if I do certain commands on my Samsung phone (that also has myPhonak installed), it stops the audio source on the Fire and I have to hit the Play button again. That also sometimes occurs when I’m streaming audio from the phone and do some unrelated phone command that will require me to hit the Play button again on the phone.

I don’t think you’re understanding my question. The MyPhonak app is not necessary to play audio through your hearing aids. The MyPhonak app turns your device into a fancy remote control that allows you to create custom programs for your hearing aids, among other things.

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I have the 8 inch Fire tablet and l used to run games that was dependant on Google Play services and l used a APK hack. The recent Fire OS updates made my games not to run anymore. I just have to use my Phonak app on my Android phone. It’s too much trouble as Amazon doesn’t want Google apps on their tablets!

You don’t need the myPhonak App to play audio through your Fire to your Phonak’s.

Phonak are classic Bluetooth so can connect to just about any Bluetooth device.

The App is basically a remote control.

You’re right. Initially, without the app installed, I tried but couldn’t connect the Phonaks to the Fire BT - or at least I didn’t believe it was connected - it probably was. After I installed the app into the Fire, I saw it was connected to the BT. So I tricked myself into believing I needed the app on the Fire to connect it to the Phonaks, but I don’t really need the app installed to connect. I gave up on the sans app BT connection too quickly. :smirk:

Now to another puzzle :face_with_monocle:: I have two tablets side by side (yes, I know, I’m a half-baked geek.) One is a pure Android, and the other is a Fire. They both have myPhonak app installed.

But neither tablet shows the full myPhonak controls. They perpetually “search” for the hearing aids, despite multiple off on presses of the aids. Yes, the BT setting on each tablet shows the aids connected.

Is the fact that the myPhonak app is on my nearby phone and fully functional the reason neither app on the tablets can take control of the aids. In other words, can the app control the aids from only one device at a time?

PS: Even if I never get the myPhonak app to do anything useful on the Fire, the sideloading exercise still enabled the device to download many apps I would not have had access to otherwise. I’ll take the partial win.

I don’t know the answer regarding your phone being nearby with the app on it, but I’m guessing turning off your phone and trying again would give you your answer.

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Nope. Even with the phone off, I still get the spinning circle with “Searching - Looking for hearing aids” for many minutes on the tablet with the full Android.

Check that: After a couple more turning the aids off and on again, the full control panel showed up - initially showing both aids working, but then reverted to just the left aiding showing up on the panel as connected - a little quirky. but progress. I’ll probably just stick with my phone as the controller and chalk this up to an interesting experiment.

So the verdict is only one remote controller at a time can be on in the vicinity. Initially putting my “on” phone in the metal breadbox provided an inadequate faraday cage. :skull_and_crossbones:

In fact, before I turned my tablet off that had the left side connected but not the right, and tried to reconnect the app on my phone, only the right side would connect - because the left side remained connected to the tablet. As soon as I turned the tablet off, the right side then connected via the phone app.

The good news is the aids can be connected to any BT device, tablet, phone or computer, and use the audio controls on that device to control volume and tone (assuming they have tone controls). The myPhonak app is not needed for that type of streaming.

I’m only guessing but Altho your phone is off, the Aids are still paired with your App on your phone. Maybe you actually need to disconnect them?

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Different brand of hearing aid with different smartphone app. But I have my ReSound Quattro’s paired to both my iPhone 6S and my Galaxy Note 8. To switch functionality, I have to turn off Bluetooth on the currently active in-use phone and only then the other phone will functionally connect through the smartphone app.

A suggestion to gfmucci is that if he had his phone on all along when he attempted to pair his HA’s with the Fire Tablet that might have inhibited the pairing process of at least one of the aids. ReSound advises turning off or removing all nearby BT devices, IIRC, when initiating HA/smartphone pairing so perhaps similar advice should apply when trying to pair your Phonak aids with a Fire Tablet.

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Official answers from Phonak on using tablets with the My Phonak app and Phonak HA’s: Connecting a tablet to Phonak hearing aids (but again, this may just be a BT streaming thing and not guarantee My Phonak app connectivity).

myPhonak app on tablets

Fire tablets are fourth THIRD in market share but the amount sold is not insignificant. If it turns out that there is no way to get the My Phonak app to work with a 2021 Fire tablet, I would suggest sending feedback to Phonak that it might improve its market share and user base if they implemented functionality - same for Chromebooks!

Edit_Update: Interesting site that offers statistics on tablet market share (perhaps Chromebooks are laptops? - or a category unto themselves?!-not sure they’re listed under “Google”). It makes a big difference if you pick North America vs. Worldwide vs. Europe for the region you want market share. Worldwide or in Europe, Amazon’s tablet share shrinks to <10%, almost 5% worldwide, and Huawei is #3 in Europe, Amazon #4 there. Tablet Vendor Market Share North America | StatCounter Global Stats (to select regions, scroll down on the page to View tablet vendor market share by REGION).

But I won’t be around in the 22nd century when they finally got it done. :smile:


Exactly my experience. Thanks.

I think it all depends on what you want and need to use the tablet for. With Google Play Store installed on the Fire HD10 you can’t beat it for the price. It has really good speed and the display is really good also.