How to make a hard ear mould work for my very bad ear? Normally I get crazy feedback

With my New P90-UP’s I had new Soft moulds made, similar to your. However, they were too ‘carved’ for my ears. Too much movement in the outer section of the moulds, which cased rubbing and irritation and sound leakage.
So I have gone back ‘full’ soft moulds, similar to the one below on my old V90-UP’s, but a bit longer in the ear canal.


I guess everyone is different.

I used to have ear moulds like yours and I was forever getting sores at the top of my ears as the ear moulds were too bulky.

I find I don’t get any sores with carved ear moulds. I don’t have an issue with sound leakage as well, if they are made appropriately.

This is the last time I had ear moulds like yours and it was the top bit that hurt. This is my ear. :slight_smile:


I was in at the NHS A.uD a week or so ago, he said something interesting, NHS BTE moulds are now made via 3 D printer, they scan your impressions and keep them on file for a year, so he said, to just phone up the audiology department, just before the year is up, and get a new set made…. Cheers Kev :wink:

Possible, but your ear geometry changes over time, most manufacturers want impressions that are less old than that. Good idea in a pinch though. The 3D printing is good at making accurate moulds in the right hands though.

I was also going to say that the fuchsia pink ones above look like the Starkey ‘carved shell’ silicone, (aside from tge aesthetics) which seem to work well with fairly hefty losses, especially when there’s a bit of a dynamic/tapered canal in play.

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They are exactly that! Made by Starkey. Hadn’t realised how bright they’ll be!

Boots Starkey do this but your ear/s change shape so I always request new impressions.

I am very impressed with these ear moulds tho, I’m thinking about asking for a different colour from the same impression/scan.

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