How Do You Clean Your Ears?

Thanks for these tips!! I have purchased a bottle of Swim Ear drops and try using this as a preventative measure. I will also zap my aids with 1 hour of UV each night as well…

I will also wipe the domes with isopropyl alcohol wipes… I also use swimmer’s ear plugs in the shower… Fingers crossed this will help me! :slight_smile:

Ditto on the diver’s ear preventive solution. I brew my own. It is simply a mixture of Alcohol, vinegar and baby oil which I drop in before every shower. This mix will also get rid of any residual wax which will wash out in the shower. I also have a bottle of Barrow’s solution that I got from the vet to treat my canine friend’s ears. It works for human beings as well and has similar ingredients but also has a tiny bit of cortisone for healing.

After puncturing an eardrum twice in the past with aggressive Q-tip use, if things get really itchy and gross I will use nothing bigger than my pinky to ease the itch and clean the outer parts of the ear. The Q-tip habit is a hard one to break because it provides instant relief and feels kinda pleasurable raking around in there. Just stifle the urge! :smiley:

Similar in both ears


Presently using Phonak Ambra SP BTE which comes with TVLink/ComPilot
package. Previously used Phonak Savia with SmartLink SX and ML9 receivers.
Before that two sets of Oticon digital ITE aids that were marginally better
than nothing.