If that was on your phone and could control left and right independently then that would be awesome. (for all phone sound output activities of course)
It would be even better if HA’s could be controlled similarly.
Really? In addition to the hearing aid programming that compensates for your specific hearing loss, or to replace the hearing aid programming that compensates for your specific hearing loss?
Ah. Indeed. Good to clarify. Always on the ball that pvc.
I (perhaps many people) will go some times without HA’s on. Using headphones from the phone listening to things it would be useful to adjust left and right equalizer to somewhat match ones audiogram.
I do that playing from my computer.
Edit: I re-read my previous post and yes i do mean in the HA’s. To have finer grained adjustment capability beyond just simple “tone” for odd situations. Then let it go back to the programmed settings.
But might it not sometimes be advantageous or useful to be able to tweak the settings for difficult environments? E.g., my bugaboo is restaurants with 100% hard surfaces. I.e., no carpets, no drapes, etc., to absorb sound. Only harshly reflective surfaces, like tile, formica, etc. I don’t have all the answers; just asking.
I’m no expert but I’m not sure equalization would help in that kind of environment.
My KS7’s have a simple tone adjustment that’s basically a gradation from bass to treble.
Do you only have the one restaurant available to you?
You guys need to quit poking smot and watching purdy lights.
Medical marijuana has only recently arrived in MD. Maybe if my glaucoma worsens???
BTW, what does PVC stand for?
PolyVinyl Chloride
Permanent Virtual Circuit
Premature Ventricular Contraction
Pigment Volume Concentration
Passive Volume Control
Postal Verification Card
Pipe Very Crowded
Pressure Velocity Correction
Plasticized Vitreous Compound
Pedal Volume Control
Partial Volume Concentration
Primary Version Control
Porous Vent Coaxative
Partial Value Code
Personalised Ventilation Center
Previous Virtual Cell
Psychedelic Variable Consciousness
Primitives Volumes and Collections
Plastic and Very Cheap
Prime Venezuelan Calf
Pre-Vacuole Compartment
Passion, Vision, and Committment
Positive Verified Connect
Priority Versus Claim
I’m retired with not much to do; this would provide hours of amusement, if nothing else and keep me occupied and out of my wife’s hair.
Sorry to take so long to respond. I’ve had major computer problems going on, as well as other things.
As for what was at the end of the tubes, I don’t know the terminology to describe the tips. I’ve been calling them all domes; what is a dome and what are the alternatives? I’m not sure which tubes he had me try at the time – it’s been more than a year. He’s used various tips as I’ve tried out several different brands; I could guess at what they were based on what I’ve been using recently, but don’t really remember. I have never noticed a difference in hearing with different tips, but some are more comfortable and some stay in better.
I’ve been waiting for a couple of years for a “Made for Android” hearing aid that would allow the remote control you’re talking about. I finally gave up and have been trying a “Made for iPhone” model (Signia Motion 13 Nx) with my wife’s old iPhone. It works wonderfully, but I was missing too many features and came back to my Android phone.
Signia have a fairly new device called a StreamLine Mic that allows for control with an Android app, among other things. I just started testing it today. It seems to be similar to Oticon’s ConnectClip. I used an Oticon “Streamer” with my old hearing aids that also allowed remote control, but I hated it for its streaming and phone call features.
If you have an iPhone, all of this can be done without an intermediate device, and there’s one less thing to go wrong.
Everyone, feel free to correct me on any of this. I’m clearly not as knowledgeable as many of you here.
(BTW, I have figured out how to get a real “username” here yet, so I don’t know what name will show up on this post.)
Your audiologist should be able to set up programs for difficult environments, customized for your special needs. I have five programs for my trial aids right now.
“Domes” are off the shelf, generic devices. “Molds” are custom made for your ear. Many hearing aids have apps that work on Android Smartphones. What is rare are hearing aids that will stream to Android phones. Only Phonak’s Audeo B Direct will currently do that.
Thanks. That’s the way I’ve been using the term “domes,” but it sounded as though it were more specific than that. That being the case, I’ve always used domes when not using RIC mode – just various shapes of them.
Are there Android apps that work with Android phones directly, without the need for an intermediate streamer-type device?
I’ve tried the Audeo B Direct hearing aids – for about five minutes. My audiologist returned them because they were not at all what either of us expected, and nothing like Made for iPhone hearing aids. For one thing, phone calls only go to one ear. More serious, though, was the fact that I would be able to stream at home, where I don’t really need to, but not at work, which is where I want to be able to. I’m not sure, but as I recall, I think you need to be on a Wi-Fi network and within range of a Phonak TV box, which is used for streaming as well as for TV.
So I’m still waiting for Made for Android hearing aids that will work with my Samsung phone in the same way that Made for iPhone hearing aids work with my wife’s iPhone.
Yes, even my KS7s have an app that works directly with my Android phone. It won’t stream phone calls, but it acts as a remote control. Resound’s app will also work directly with Android phones, as will Signia’s. Not sure about others.
To have a hearing aid that will stream to Android like a made for iPhone one does with iPhones, you’ll likely be waiting until 2019 or later. It’ll likely take until a hearing aid standard for Bluetooth 5 is agreed to and then take some time for hearing aids to come out. I’m beginning to think that 2019 is optimistic.
She has set up three different programs for me; none of them come close to working well in the type of restaurants I described.
I see. I understand better now where you’re coming from. The programs can be tuned and improved somewhat, but I’ve experienced the same thing as you. With my old hearing aids, for eight years I didn’t feel that I was getting a lot of help from my programming. I couldn’t really hear much of a difference between the programs, and usually didn’t bother to switch.
Now…new trial hearing aids, new audiologist… I actually experimented some today with the programs he set up, and this time I could see a real difference. As to whether they work much better in the specific situations they’re programmed for, that remains to be seen.
Noisy restaurants are a really difficult environment, and I’ve always had a hard time with them no matter what I did.
Where I most notice the difference among the various programs is when I am around ceiling HVAC vents. The whirring sound can be quite annoying and some programs are definitely better than others in quieting this whir,
Indeed…but we’ll get there.