Hearing Medical Treatment Upgrades Move Too Slow

Don’t mean to hit a nerve with some here but feel in general all hearing related medical treatment and hearing devices (aids, CI, etc.) all move at a snails pace with very limited advancement to show decade in - decade out.

CI in my opinion is way, way over due for a major upgrade or more likely a complete tear down and replacement with more advanced technology. Something completely different that saves patients residual hearing, is not external, uses human ear for incoming sound, etc. Reducing size of CI should also of happened years ago.

HA also need to change and one has to wonder if some company like Apple needs to get into the game to shake things up. Yea we now have over the counter for what ever that’s worth and lower pricing for some. Yet its still the same internal components, same battery sizes, same microphones, etc. Year after year after year.

Then we recently had some excitement regard smart glasses or A.I. glasses that display live text communication. Unfortunately its all talk and no substance. Google, Apple, and other all backed out of the text display business via special glasses.

Then we have all these ongoing medical research studies that might work in chickens, pigs or what ever. Recently we have really good results with regeneration of ear cells with children who are deaf, but who know if its a long term solution. Who knows if it safe long term and who know when you might be able to get in line for some far off testing.

Just saying don’t hold your breath for any break throughs regarding all of the above. You’ll pass out way before anyone reaches a “Eureka Moment”.