Hearing aids may help people live longer, study suggests

Hearing aids may help people live longer, study suggests (msn.com)

Why is it that articles about hearing loss always illustrate it with the largest, ugliest, hardest-to-hide hearing aids!!
Especially the one in the msn.com article, above.

This story getting a lot of exposure–today featured in NPR’s website.


LOL!!! I so totally agree with you!! I mean COME. ON. This is 2024, and HA makers have offered a range of skin-tone colors and even vibrant lively colors for us customers.

There’s a whole dated, anachronistic vibe that seems to accompany stories on hearing aids. They rarely picture anyone without silver hair (ok, so I’m technically a “silver” but dye my hair brown), and so often they are wearing these garish, bandaid colored aids from the '60s! There are so many invisible, barely visible and HIGHLY colorfully visible aids to choose from.

Anyone from 6 to 66 who sees that picture of the old-fashioned aid screamin’ outta the gent’s ear is gonna RUN FOR IT. And they’ll leave their canes at home.

Furthermore, if there are 40 million who need to wear aids in the US with only 10% buying them, this shot isn’t going to send folks running to Costco or their audis. I DO think that if aids were more readily available, maybe even DIY-friendly to program and tinker with, and AFFORDABLE, there would be more users.


At least the one in BBC picture looks like an EARBUD. . .maybe he’s just listening to music or the news. But . . . .the gentleman is Black and the hearing device is white!
The device in the MSN story looks truly antique. I’m afraid the ‘graphics editors’ who look for, and choose, these images are all under 30 and never met an HOH person!

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OK, I do not mean to be insensitive to anyone here by any means, but I just took a gander at the MSN photo and actually, audibly GASPED at whatever this contraption is. Again, if it’s out there and makes someone’s life better, so be it. But I think I would prefer an engraved silver ear trumpet to this … well THING.


Search for “hearing aids” in stock photos. Interesting to browse through.


This is a hoax. Trying to get my new ha to stay connected to my phone has had a huge negative effect on my blood oressure!!


The article is not a hoax. But how you control for confounding factors like income and education is beyond me.

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