Have you ever bought Aids on Aliexpress?

Good point, sorry, hopefully you’ll find out, if they say from version 2.1 you’d think that it would, but confirming with them is a good idea.

I too have seen price lists in AU dollars from a few years back, someone even posted a list from the VA in USA dollars, when you see things like this it sure makes you think about where the retail sector is, but it’s not always a true representation, obviously bigger companies get bigger discounts, if you look at what Costco did with/for Phonak, they were selling KS10 at one stage for $1300us so you can imagine the difference in discounts being offered!

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The eBay seller name was Jersey Discounts. The seller was located in New Jersey and sold mostly power tools and stuff like that. It seemed unusual that he also sold 2 types of Siemens Hearing Aids. The price for a pair of Siemens Pure Binax 7bx was $550. It seemed too good to be true, but I took the risk. I can not find this seller on eBay today. The first 2 pictures are of what came in each sealed package. The hearing aids came in beige color and I later bought the Color Exchange Kits from my local audiologist. My local audiologist knows that I self-program and he is 100% cool with it. His primary goal is to help people hear better.

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